TsukiYama ~ phisical and phsycological

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Angst 💧
A lot of people suffer from bulimia, and it can get really serious, it's important not to face this alone, a huge kiss ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ to everyone who suffer from this.

Requested from @BarbatosSimp169


That was the big title of the article Yamaguchi was reading while sitting on his bathroom floor, after sticking two fingers down his throat.

For some months, the pinch server had this urgent impulse of vomiting everything he ate right after eating it.
He just couldn't bear this full feeling he had in his stomach.
And after puking, he felt better, even if it was for just some minutes.

For months, no one noticed, he managed to hide it.
After lunch, in school, he rushed to the bathroom. At home he locked the door and put at max volume some music to hide the noise.

He just couldn't stop, but he started to get scared.

He searched for the effects of this situation after feeling strange for some days.
He almost got into panic.
He often tried to suppress the urge to vomit, but he failed every time, and cried every time.
So he decided to not eat at all.
He did't have the courage to ask anyone for advice.

He didn't calculate one person thought.

Tsukishima is his childhood friend and, currently, his boyfriend, even if he acts indifferent towards others, he really cares about his little freckles boi.
He did notice that Yamaguchi acted strange, he tried to find out but Yamaguchi was really good at keeping secrets from others, except from him.
Yamaguchi never kept a secret from him, he always told him everything.
Things are going to get dangerous.

One day, at practice, everything was going on normally.
Yamaguchi did his best to hide everything, but he was obviously exhausted.

Yamaguchi was practicing receives, he was doing discreetly, at one point, Kageyama spiked harder that he wanted and Yamaguchi fell on his elbows.

Kageyama and Sugawara immediately rushed next to him.

"I'm sorry Yamaguchi, I didn't mean to spike it that hard."
Said a really worried Kageyama.

"I-It's fine Kageyama, don't worry."

"Yamaguchi-kun, I'm sure that you know it too, today it's clear that you're not fine."
Sugawara rested his hand on the green-head's shoulder.
"I'm telling you Sugawara-San, I'm fine-"
Yamaguchi tried to stand but his legs gave out.
Luckily, Kageyama grabbed him before he could fall.

"Yamaguchi-kun" Ukai got close with a worried look. "I know that you don't like the idea, but it's better for you body if you go home and rest."

Yamaguchi hesitantly nodded.
"I'll bring him home, it's safer."
Said Tsukishima firmly.

Ukai sighed "yes, it's true, have a safe trip you two, Yamaguchi, tomorrow we will see in what condition you're in, at least I'll let you do certain exercises."

Yamaguchi thanked him, him and Tsukishima grabbed their things in the club room and headed home.
During their walk they stayed silent.
Yamaguchi stumbled a couple of times and both times Tsukishima was ready to catch him

They arrived to Yamaguchi's house.
"Where are your parents?" Asked Tsukishima, he was hesitant about leaving him alone.

"Oh, dad is on a work trip, and mom is taking care of a relative. I'm fine Tsukki, you can go home."
He was closing the door, but Tsukishima blocked it.
"Yamaguchi, stop pretending, it's the first time that you hide something from me. What is going on?"

Yamaguchi was shocked, his hands started trembling, it was hard to speak.
"T-Tsu...kki... Tsukki..." tears stared running on his cheeks, his legs became more and more weak.

"Yamaguchi, wait a moment, let's get inside first."
Tsukishima closed the door, he led a panicked Yamaguchi to his room, then headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When he entered the bedroom, he saw Yamaguchi on the bed almost hyperventilating.
He immediately put the water on the bedside table and took Yamaguchi from his shoulders.

"Yamaguchi look at me, look at my eyes, what color are my eyes?"
Yamaguchi looked at him.
"Y-... ye...llow."
"Good, now keep looking at me and match my breath."

Yamaguchi finally slowed his breath, he drank the water making it fall a little because of his trembling.
"Yamaguchi, do I have to beg you for telling me what is happening?"
The freckled boy slowly shook his head.
"I-it's..." he heavily sighed. "... I think... Tsukki I'm sick..."

"You are? What do you mean?"
Yamaguchi kept doing deep breaths on Tsukishima's order.
"I... you... you know what is... b-... bulimia?"
Tsukishima eyes were wide open.
Did I hear right?
"You... suffer from bulimia?"

Yamaguchi stared crying again.
"It's... it started... moths ago... I just... kept vomiting on my own will... but then I read on a site that the symptoms... are really dangerous and I got scared... so I just stopped eating, even so... I kept puking from time to time... even if it was just liquid... Tsukki I'm so sorry... I don't know what to do..."
Tsukishima immediately hugged him.
While holding him in his arms, he noticed that he lost weight... he easily felt his bones.
His gaze moved to the bedside table, he noticed an open little box.
"Yamaguchi what is that?"
"T-Tsukki wait-"
Tsukishima took the box.

Yamaguchi trembled in fear.
"You... arrived to this point?"
Tsukishima closed the box and put it in his pocket.
Then he slowly embraced Yamaguchi letting him sit between his legs, he cupped his face and looked at him in the eyes.
Yamaguchi had teary eyes again.
Tsukishima softly kissed him.
"Don't. Don't do it anymore."
The green-head did a small smile.
"I... I love you Tsukki."
Yamaguchi rested his head in Tsukishima's collarbone.

"Yamaguchi... it can be difficult... but you have to see a doctor."
Yamaguchi nodded.
"Yes, I know, but... I don't think I have the courage to tell this to my parents."

"You won't be alone, I'll be by your side."
Yamaguchi relaxed and leaned more in that hug.

The pinch server texted him mother.


What is it Tadashi?

Mom, I have to talk to you, it's important

Ok honey, I'll be home in 10 minutes.

Yamaguchi managed to talk to his mother, mostly thanks to Tsukishima's presence.
He met a doctor and his problem is gradually getting better.
Tsukishima informed Coach Ukai and
Takeda-sensei but did't tell anything to the team, he wanted Yamaguchi to tell them himself when he felt enough confident.

They took advantage of the situation for telling their parents about their relationship, but looks like they already knew it.
They were really o b v i o u s.

This is a good ending.
It IS difficult to ask someone for help, but it's necessary, no one is alone.


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