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Smut 🍋

Requested by @MiaLanza3

Suna Top because he's soooo hot.

The dark room, the heavy rain outside, the long wait, or maybe the fact that they were not alone in the house. Whatever it was, Osamu and Suna felt overwhelmed.

A week before, Suna got invited to Hokkaido for an event, so the two of them had to be separated for an entire week.

Suna is the most affected, he missed his boyfriend's ass so much he masturbated to the memory of their last time, before he left. It was rough and intense, because he had to make it last for an entire fucking week.

Somehow, he survived, but his blue balls syndrome kept getting worse day by day.

Osamu, on the other hand, would never admit how bad his situation was.

He's the silent type, usually not him to start everything in the bedroom, but definitely loves it.

That last time before Suna left was so rough, so intense. It was amazing.

He also suffered from his boyfriend's absence, he arrived to touch himself too, but it wasn't really enough, so he craved for Suna.


Suna took the airplane and tried to convince himself not to assault Osamu, who kindly offered to go pick him up, and patiently wait until they get in the car.

Well, shit.

The airplane had a delay of two hours because of the really bad weather. 1.

Osamu's car wheels got destroyed by the hailstorm. So, no car sex. 2.

Suna arrived at Osamu's apartment and found out that Atsumu and Sakusa were there too because they had just arrived from Kyoto and all the hotels were closed. THREE.

Suna entered the apartment, completely soaked. He was welcomed by Atsumu and Sakusa who explained the situation and saw Osamu behind them all flustered and anxious. While the other two were talking, Suna mouthed something that made Osamu shiver.

'I will fuck you'

Atsumu and Sakusa settled in the living room and they were fine with the TV and kitchen at their disposal. Meanwhile, Osamu helped Suna to put the bags in his bedroom and let him take a shower. The poor guy didn't look him in the eyes since that sentence at the entrance.

He got out of the bathroom and slowly walked through the living room.

"Hey Sunarin!" Yelled Atsumu from his futon. "Liked the warm shower after the cold one?"

"You have no idea." He seemed tired and craving sleep. His voice, low.

"Eh, I think I do. G'night!" "Night"

Osamu preceded Suna in the bedroom and walked to the bed with the intention of getting it ready for his tired boyfriend, even if his dick was exploding.

But Suna is a restless asshole.

He closed the door and locked it. He ran up to Osamu and embraced him completely, slipping his tongue in his mouth and tasting all of him.

"Suna... w-wait, they're out there."  "They're already sleeping, Osamu I fucking can't, let me have you now."

He pushed him on the bed and started undressing them both. Suna waited for this sight for seven whole days, he doesn't even know how he resisted not having him beside him. He did try to convince Osamu to come too, but he had work and couldn't just disappear.

Back to the business, Osamu was trying to keep down the moans, all because Suna was licking and sucking his nipples and also loosening him up.

"mhn, you're not as tight as I expected." For some reason Osamu panicked, as if he cheated on Suna,  but he just touched himself, and didn't want him to find out.

"Samu, did you think of me while touching here?" Of-fucking-course he would understand that.

Osamu covered his eyes with his arms and threw his head back. "You already know the answer, and don't talk so loudly!"

"Mmh, you are going to be concerned about how loud your voice is." He bit the nipple a little harder and slipped the fingers deeper at the same time, Osamu almost let it out.

"Ugh, too bad I can't hear that slutty voice of yours properly" He seriously wanted to cuss at him but he decided to keep it for later. Suna crawled up and pressed his manhood on the entrance. "Do you have any idea of how much I waited for this?" Finally being together and having that feeling under there was really incredible.

The middle blocker was just so impatient, he already entered and left many marks on his body.

It was pretty difficult, enjoying all of this and also keeping all the noises to the minimum.

They already changed positions many times and came twice as much

"R-Rin it's already 1 am... I need to go to work tomorrow..." "mnh..." Rintarou practically finished marking every centimeter of Osamu's skin. "ok then," He laid next to his boyfriend and hugged him from behind. "W-wait, are you going to sleep with it still inside?"

"This or we keep going for another three rounds, your choice."

Osamu sighed and decided to keep up with it, also because it's not like he hated it, having him still inside felt oddly comfortable.

"I missed you." He said, thinking Suna fell asleep. "Me too."

The next day Atsumu and Sakusa finally found an hotel room and left the apartment.

"I swear, I don't think I'll ever be able to look 'Samu in the eyes again."

"It's not like you're any different, Miya."




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