Couple Interviews -IwaOi

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There is a <3 next to the question/s suggested by the readers. 

Feel free to ask as many questions as you want!

This time there is also a drawing of mine, tell me if you would like more.

The interviewed people are separated from each other, so that they can't listen to each other's answers.

"Hello, welcome to this interview, we'd like to ask you some questions about your relationship. Dynamics and all."

Oikawa<< Okay!>>

Iwaizumi<< Sure>>

"How did your relationship start? And what were your thoughts about it at first?"

Oikawa<<Well, It happened kind of gradually. There was a bit of tension before, we are childhood friends so we're closer than most friends, so we causally invade each other's personal space without many problems, but growing up we kind of got more and more conscious about this. We then realized that the bond we had wasn't "normal"... and we slowly got closer and closer but now as a couple. I always thought that Iwa-chan was the only one who completely understood me and that he would always be by my side, I just had to look at it under a different perspective.>>

Iwaizumi<< There was a lot of tension between us, but we took too much time to realize it. We started dating because there was really no other option, we both wanted the same things after all.>>

"Who is the most jealous one between you two?"

Oikawa<<We're not really jealous of each other, but maybe Iwa-chan is more than me.>>

Iwaizumi<< Me, Tooru is not exactly worried, mostly because I'm a bit territorial. But now that we live apart... It's a little bit difficult.>>

"How hard is doing long distance?" <3

Oikawa<< A lot. I hate staying apart from Iwa-Chan, we always do calls and video chats, like, every day. But it's not the same thing. Fortunately, we get to see each other usually, we both tend to travel a lot so we plan our trips together, that is also kind of fun!>>

Iwaizumi<< As I said, It's extremely difficult. We spent our entire life together, ever since we were newborns, so It's not easy getting used to this. Tooru is always really optimistic and that makes it better, but I know he kind of suffers from this. Also... I'm planning on surprising him... lately I'm working nonstop, even during my days off, so that I can get an extended vacation and go stay with him for a long period. Wait for me dumbass.>>

"Have you ever thought of breaking up?"

Oikawa<< When we first started dating there wasn't much difference from our everyday lives, that includes all our fights, once we got some time off and it was one of the worst periods of my life, it lasted about a month. When we first started the long distance it was seriously difficult, I can't deny that the thought passed through my mind, but now we are closer than ever!>>

Iwaizumi<< In high school we took a month off from our relationship, and it was terrible. I admit that I'm a bit weak when it comes to Tooru, so, when we started the long distance thing, I almost suggested taking some time off, but I'm glad I didn't.>>

"How many relationships did you have in the past?"

Oikawa<< Many. I was really popular in school. I had a lot of girlfriends. And Iwa-chan is my first and last male partner.>>

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