KuroKen~ please, forgive me

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This one is really strong!!
It contains violence and blood.

If this disturb you then just don't read this!!

Last warning!!
Don't read if it disturbs you.

Kuroo POV


After years of trying.


Tetsuro Kuroo.


*fake cheers*

Thank you, thank you.

But the problem is one.

And only one.

She isn't a virgin.

But i am.

No one in school would ever think that Kuroo Tetsuro, third year, captain of the volleyball club, hot as hell, would be a virgin.
I am the only one to know in all the school, besides Kenma.

Kenma is my childhood and best friend, he knows everything about me.
Even the most private things.

Sometimes he is annoyed, but I always talk to him normally, I talk, talk and talk, and he doesn't answer, not often, but I am 100% sure that he always listen.
Because he always remember every detail.

I like his company, because I can talk about whatever I want and he just listen.


I was talking about my struggle for being a virgin.

This girl wants to go to the next step with me.
She is pretty popular, the classic popular girl.
I'm sure that she will brag to her friends about sleeping with me.
But I don't care, I wanted a girlfriend since forever so... It doesn't matter.

We decided a day, it's in two days.

I have to find a solution.

Kenma POV

Today Kuroo is coming to my house.
Like every day.
Except tomorrow.

Tomorrow he will sleep for the first time with his girlfriend.
He already told me about being a bit scared for being a virgin and maybe ruin everything.

He always talked about whatever crossed his mind.
It doesn't disturb me.
Until he started talking about this girl.

Ok, fine.

I like Kuroo.

It's a cliché because he is the classic popular guy.
But he is my best friend too.
With me he is so genuine and kind, unlike everyone else, except the team.

I don't like his girlfriend.
She is THE mean girl.
Popular, conceited, rude, and... the girlfriend of the popular guy.

Yes, they are the perfect couple.
I don't know how much longer will I be able to suppress this.

I hear the house's door downstairs opening.
It's Kuroo.
I left it unlocked for him, so I didn't have to go open it.

Yes I'm lazy, so what?
I'm lying on my bed on my back and playing on my console, I'm comfortable.

He open my bedroom's door and closes it behind him.

"Kuroo, did you lock the door?"
I ask.
He took a second before answering.

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