Couple Interviews - KageHina

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As requested by @Nano-chann

The interviewed people are separated from each other, so that they can't listen to the other's answer.

"Hello, welcome to this interview, we'd like to ask you some questions about your relationship. Dynamics and all."


Kageyama <<Alright>>

"How did your relationship start? And what were your thoughts about it at first?"

Hinata<<It started in our second year in high school. We basically went from enemies to friends and then somewhere on the path a spark lit!>>

Kageyama<<From the moment we met we didn't get along at all. We used to fight but then we came to agree on our common passion, which is obviously volleyball. When it was involved we naturally understood each other, we were always on the same page. In our second year our relationship was way better and... I don't know, I felt like we grew up a lot in just a year. Maybe it was maturity or puberty but we ended up realizing we were in each other's minds quite a lot. It took us a while to find out why.>>

"Who initiated things at first? Did it change with time?"

Hinata<<I guess we were both curious as to how things worked as a couple and we both tried our best, seeing how competitive we both were, Tobio used to be a lot fired up about doing things right tho. We're both pretty touchy and affectionate even now.>>

Kageyama<< I must say both, then and now. But I probably should say me, technically. Ever since finding out how good it feels to be a couple and stay together and do things together... I'll admit it, I got a little possessive, it was clear as day years ago because it was my first experience. Now I'm just better at controlling myself. If it was up to me I would bring him around in a bag all day long.>>

"Who is the most jealous one between you two?"

Hinata<< Definitely Tobio. He was a possessive boyfriend then and now. Welp. Now I guess he's a possessive fiancé. Hehehe.>>

Kageyama<< Uuhg... Me, by a lot. Shoyo trusts me and I trust him, but I can't help it. Guess some habits are hard to die.>>

"When was your first kiss and last kiss between you two?"

Hinata<< The first one was a few days after making things official. It was soft and a bit awkward. I always laugh when I think back at it. The last one was Today at the airport, we were apart for a long time and finally being together again and also playing in the same team again! I'm so happy.>>

Kageyama<< Our first kiss... it was three or four days after we became a couple. I remember we were at my house and it just happened. It's a cute memory. The last one was today after we met at the airport.>>

"How often do you fight?"

Hinata<< Considering our past it wouldn't be wrong to think that we fight a lot. And yet it is! I mean we're a couple, we do fight sometimes but it's normal. Now we often laugh thinking back at how much we were at each other's throats.>>

Kageyama<< I guess just as often as normal couples do. I like being right and Shoyo does too, so it's normal that we end up clashing sometimes, but I hate fighting. And I know he does too, so we do our best to clear any misunderstandings ect...>>

"Now we're doing some NSFW questions, is that fine?"

Hinata<< Yeah!>>

Kageyama<< Sure.>>

"Are you the top or the bottom?"

Hinata<< I'm the bottom>>

Kageyama<< I top.>>

"How many times do you do it on average?"

Hinata<< I don't think there's an average. We do it when we feel like it. And as much as Tobio might not like it, nights before games are forbidden.>>

Kageyama<< If I must say, I think three or four times a week. But there is a rule, and it's that nights before games are forbidden. I understand that it's because he's sore down there the day after but I feel so relaxed. When I told him he asked If I wanted to try getting drilled and having to play a game right after... I just shut up.>>

"What's your favorite position?"

Hinata<< Missionary, although I also like doggy style a lot.>>

Kageyama<< Uh, I think I like seeing him on top of me. How was it called? Cowboy? Something like that?>>

"How often do you use protection?"

Hinata<< It has become less and less mandatory with time. We thought that being just the two of us and with no risk of a pregnancy in sight, we could let loose.>>

Kageyama<< We do use it, just not as often as before. We both agree and we both like it. It's fine.>>

"When was your first time ever and your first time together?"

Hinata<< We're each other's firsts. Our first time was in third year, After our last game in high school. We were still full of adrenaline and it just happened. It was quick, sloppy maybe but... it was our first time and we were hyper excited.>>

Kageyama<< It was... great. We were both ignorant, except for almost a year of research on the topic. We were eighteen and excited. We improved a lot through the years but that night, despite the duration and improvisation, is still one of my favorite memories.>>

"Last question. How did the proposal go? And when's the wedding?"

Hinata<< Hhahah! The proposal was kinda sudden. Kageyama was shocked. Kenma-san helped me through it, he told me to do it first and surprise him, also to remind him who "wears the pants in the couple" as he said hahahah. Sometimes I'm worried for Kuroo-San.>>

Kageyama<< It was sudden. Not gonna lie, I was planning to propose myself, but I didn't expect him to do it already- I mean- We just met again after two weeks in which we were supposed to gather our things in the respective parts of the world before going to live together. And as soon as I enter our new home I find it all decorated and him on one knee. He wore a grin for days after that.>> 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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