Couple Interview - UshiTen

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The first of the series.

Write questions for your favourite couples!!

The interviewed people are separated from each other, so that they can't listen to the other's answer.

"Hello, welcome to this interview, we'd like to ask you some questions about your relationship. Dynamics and all."

Tendo<< Sure! Bring it on!>>

Ushijima<< I'm okay with it.>>

"How did your relationship start? And what were your thoughts about it at first?"

Tendo<< It started in our second year of high school, I found out I was gay in middle school and fell in love with Wakatoshi-kun almost immediately. I was pretty obvious about it but Wakatoshi-kun didn't quite get it. One day we were alone in the clubroom and I was panicking, I wanted to confess y'know. He asked me if I wasn't feeling well, and I spilled everything without realizing... I mean! He was so close and he looked so worried! Even now I can't believe it but he said he liked me too, so we started going out and never let go of each other ever since. ^w^>>

Ushijima<< The first time I saw Satori he looked like a really loud and friendly guy. I thought that we couldn't really get along, since our personalities are polar opposites. But then we started spending some time together and I started feeling weird. My heart pounded really fast every time he smiled at me, which was often so I really thought I was sick, and I felt this ache or... empty feeling in my chest whenever he was absent. I liked his presence because he was funny and he was pretty much the only one who always guessed what I had in mind. I liked having someone like that by my side. One day we were in the clubroom and he confessed, it was a bit sudden, it reminded me of the girls that often confessed to me so I understood the situation pretty quickly. I didn't expect that because we are both guys, but I felt my heart exploding once again, and I finally realized my feelings. Since then we started dating, and I am happier every day.>>

"Who is the most jealous one between you two?"

Tendo<< Actually, we're pretty much on the same level, I can see when Wakatoshi is jealous, he tends to pout, but I'm sure that he doesn't know how difficult it is for me not to get jealous. He is a really handsome guy so he's always surrounded by tons of people. It's exhausting. TwT >>

Ushijima<< Me. I'm not sure of the reason, after all I know that he is only mine, but I am really possessive with him. He knows that I would never leave him for anyone else, so he is not jealous.>>

"Have you ever thought of breaking up?"

Tendo<< *sigh* This is a secret. But... When we first dated, some people found out about us, people personally involved with Wakatoshi, and they did everything they could to make me break up with him. They said many things like "you're ruining his future". I was terrified that it could be true, and I wouldn't bear the thought of him failing in his life and him hating me for this. So, for days, I tried to break up with him, but I couldn't, because he showed me every day that somehow the affection we shared made him stronger. After that I kept what happened to myself, and I ignored those people.>>

Ushijima<< No>> *stares at the interviewer waiting for the next question*

"How many relationships did you have in the past?"

Tendo<< A couple, but those weren't serious, One with a girl in the first year in middle school, but after that all the girls ignored me. The second was with a guy, in my "confused" period, but after that I realized that relationships aren't my thing, and only had occasional partners, only males obviously. °w°>>

Ushijima<< Some. Girls that confessed to me, but none of them lasted more than a couple weeks. I thought that having a girlfriend was necessary, and just accepted them. Some of them were pretty but I never felt anything special with them.>>

"How often do you fight?"

Tendo<< Almost never. We do but really rarely. Things that we resolve in a few minutes. Even for important things like staying apart for awhile for work or something, we never fought for it, we discussed it."

Ushijima<< I can only think of one or two times, but never serious fights. I don't like fighting.>>

"what do you do at each other's birthdays?"

Tendo<< Wakatoshi isn't really enthusiastic about his birthday, but he says that doing a mini-mini-party just the two of us is enough. And I like making him happy."

Ushijima<< Like me, Satori's birthday doesn't really make any difference for him, but I like surprising him.>>

"When was your first kiss and last kiss between you two?"

Tendo<< The first was right after I confessed, he slowly approached me and asked me if he could kiss me. It was soooo embarrassing. The last was this morning, while I was preparing breakfast."

Ushijima<< The first... when we started dating, we were both really embarrassed. The last... I peeked at him right before coming here.>>

"Now we're doing some NSFW questions, is that fine?"

Tendo<< Yes! >wO>>

Ushijima<< What is that>>

"Are you the top or the bottom?"

Tendo<< Bottom! I cannot think of anyone topping Wakatoshi-kun -w->>

Ushijima *with his phone so he can research the things he doesn't know*<<I'm the... top.>>

"What is your favorite position?"

Tendo<< Missionary!>>

Ushijima<< The cowgirl, Satori teached me the names.>>

"When was your first time ever and your first time together?"

Tendo<< My first time ever was in middle school, with my first boyfriend, I topped that time, I bottomed only a couple times before Wakatoshi-kun. Our first time together was a month in our relationship, it was amazing.>>

Ushijima<< Satori was my first ever. I was kinda jealous that he had other partners before me, but he keeps saying that I'm the best he's ever been with... It makes me feel better.>>

"Have you ever done it outside your house?"

Tendo<< Of course! Wakatoshi-kun tends to be a bit reluctant, but once we get at it he turns into a beast *w*>>

Ushijima<< Yes, many times. Usually I try to take things in private, but I like to do it outside.>>

"Have you ever got caught?"

Tendo<< Almost, because we often did it in the clubroom. ^w^>>

Ushijima<< No, we risked thought.>>

"How many times do you do it on average?"

Tendo<< We're pretty addicted, we do it at least once a day.>>

Ushijima<< As often as we can. I think I have a fetish for him.>>

"How often do you use protection?"

Tendo<< We do use it, not always though. -w->>

Ushijima<< We don't always have it, but... I actually purposely forget to bring it because I like to do it without protection.>>

"Last question. Do you think you will ever break up?"

Tendo<<We can't know what will happen, but I'll do my best for it not to happen.>>

Ushijima<< No. Never. I won't allow it.>> *Looks angry at the interviewer*

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