LevYaku~My boyfriend

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Here you are!

Narrator POV

"Uhm.. Yaku-San."
Lev was stuttering.

Yaku turned around and looked at him.
Probably for the cold weather, the tall guy was totally red, despite having two jackets and a thick scarf.

"What is it? Are you not feeling well?" Asked the concerned senpai.

There were just the two of them on the road.
There was fog and they could barely see each other.

"N-no... I'm fine... but, I wanted to ask you something..."
Lev walked closer to him, so he could see him clearly, but not too close.
Yaku started feeling confused by his kouhai's behavior.
"*sigh* Lev just spit it out."

"Please go out with me!"
Lev said almost yelling, eyes closed, tomato-like face, and probably the lowest bow ever.

Yaku was shocked. Eyes wide open and jaw at the ground. He didn't see this coming.
He thought about an extra training maybe, but... this!

Yaku closed his mouth, took a deep breath and looked at Lev, that was still bowing.

"Lev, w-why do you want to go out with me?"

Lev got up, he didn't dare to look into the shorter one's eyes.
"It's... I really like Yaku-San, it probably doesn't make sense because, most of the time, you are scary and violent..."

Yaku wasn't sure if it was the time to kill him.

"... but, every time that you praise me, you say 'good work' or 'nice recieve' and you smile at me I feel my heart skipping a 'badump'! So... well..."

The third year almost giggled at how childish this huge first year can be, he found that cute.

"... I know that you probably don't feel the same, but can you at least give it a try?... I don't want to force you! I mean-"

"Lev. I get it, I... I think I can give you a chance."
Said the older a bit embarrassed.

Lev's eyes started shining.
He immediately hugged tightly Yaku.
"Thank you very much! I promise I'll make you fall for me as much as I fell for you."

"O-ok, good luck then."
They stayed there for a good minute, then Lev broke away.

"Then! Do you wanna eat something? I wanted to introduce you to a nice place I know! My treat!"

How can I say 'no'  if you make that excited face?

Some weeks passed, they kept seeing each other, Lev tried not to go too fast but his mood was so great that he got better during games and practice.
Yaku noticed how caring Lev was and how he was trying to make it comfortable for him.
He found that cute.

The third year got starled.
He turned around and saw the clubroom empty except for Lev that was looking at him with a concerned face.

"Yaku-San is everything alright? You were spacing out."
Yaku took a second before answering.
"Oh, yes, I'm fine, don't worry."


Then Lev got back to his stuff.

Some minutes later, Yaku was almost done and Lev was waiting for him.

"Uhm... Lev..."


"Listen, I wanted to tell you something."
Yaku said it more seriously that he wanted.

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