Chapter 50

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Sidharth was so excited that he stayed back at the hospital with Sana to spend time with his little bub. Both Sidharth and Sana couldn't sleep, out of excitement. They both kept looking at the sleeping baby whole night observing every small expression the baby made. Sana fed the baby regularly as per the doctor's instructions.

The next day, the paediatric visited the ward, they were to vaccinate the baby and Sidharth was horrified at the thought of his tiny buddle of joy getting pierced with the needle.

Sidharth: Can't you give oral vaccinations instead of injections doctor?

Doctor: (smiles) I understand your concern Mr. Singhania, but if there were oral options we would have always preferred it. We don't like hurting the baby too. (Winks)

Sidharth agrees by moving his head. While Sana looked at the doctor giving vaccination to check if he wasn't going to hurt the baby much, Sidharth closed his eyes tight as he didn't have the courage to see it. His heart beats were literally heard outside and Sana placed her one hand on his to give him strength.

The baby started crying loudly and Sidharth flinched in his seat. He opened his eyes and saw the baby was red like beetroot due to crying. The tiny mouth was open as wide as possible. Sana lifted the baby and held it firmly pressed to her chest while she rocked in her place. Sidharth would have punched the person who hurt his baby but this was a doctor and his intentions were good.

The baby didn't stop crying so the doctor asked Sana to feed and he went out with Sidharth.

Doctor: Mr. Singhania, some babies tend to get light fever and pain due to vaccination within 24 hours. Just keep an eye and inform the nurse if you need help. Just make sure the baby is fed every 2 to 3 hours since we don't give other medicines for babies much. The mother's milk has all the antibodies to fight all the disease.

Sidharth nods and enter's the room. The baby was now quite and sucked her breast. He went close to them and sat beside.

Sidharth: Where did he pierce?

Sana pointed at the right thigh of the baby, it was red and a small dot appeared in that place. He gently bent and gave a featherlight kiss near the mark.

The baby got fever at night and cried a lot. Sidharth held the baby after every feed and rocked it in his huge hands as the baby kept quiet when he did so. It was a day 2 of sleepless night for them.

3rd day they were being discharged and the nurse had got all the discharge formalities completed for them.

Sidharth: Sister, could you show me how to bathe the little baby?

Nurse mouth opened agape, he was a billionaire and could efford to keep 100's of people to do baby's work yet he wanted to learn bathing himself. She nods and takes him along with baby and Sana to the place where they bathe the baby.

She instructs Sidharth on how to check the water temperature, what all things he need to be prepared with before starting the bath, massaging baby with essential oils, actual bathing, wiping and then putting on the clothes. While Sidharth performs them step by step with nurse's help Sana records a video.

They got discharged and go to their palace. Gills, Vikas and Shital along with all the maids and servent were present at the door for inviting.

Sana observes the servents had fire crackers ready to use and she instructs not to light them until they go inside as it would make so much noise and it's not good for baby.

Everyone congratulate them while Twinkle and Shital does Arti before they step inside the palace.


While Sana was on maternity leave for 3 months, Sidharth mostly did work from home to spend maximum time with the baby. Sidharth helped Sana with baby's bathing and changing diapers often.

At the end of 3 months, Sana arranges for an interview of nanny who would take care of baby in her absence. Sidharth was skeptical about this and he suggest Sana to take an extended maternity leave for another 3 months.

Sana agrees to it but still they hire a nanny to do some work and get adjusted to the baby. By the end of 6th month, Sidharth announces that he is going to stay home taking care of the baby while he would still be available to work from home with minimum support.

Sana: Sidharth, I am the mother, if you want then I shall stay back and be a house wife.

Sidharth: Sana, I know you have a passion in your life. You left CBI for me and now you are ready to leave this job as well. Why is it everytime you who have to become a goddess of sacrifice? Let me handle it. The baby is big enough for me to handle besides I will also have nanny's support.

You know how I longged for love of family and my motto was to have one and spend time with family. I want to do what my father never did to me. I am not completely leaving the company. You would handle the Chairman and CEO role whereas I will be still a Board Member who will continue to support you from home, though minimal.

Let's break the age old cliche assumptions that only mother has to take care of the baby. It's as much of my baby as it is yours and don't ever keep the guilt.

Sana agrees and they follow their roles very well. Sidharth took Ved to his vaccination, babycare for socializing and even went on play dates with him where Ved played with other kids of his age.

Soon it was time for Ved's schooling and he started schooling. Sidharth now was able to give more time to office while Ved went to school.

Ved and Sidharth were more like best buddies. Sana also gave time to the family and they made a good happy family.


That marks an end to our Opposites Attract story!! I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.

For those who want more of SidNaaz and love my writing, please read my other story as well which is just a week old now.

For those who want more of SidNaaz and love my writing, please read my other story as well which is just a week old now

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Note: It's completed 5 chapters already, the SS is old.

Love you all..💛❤️💛❤️💛

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