Chapter 2

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Mr. Rehman arrived at the appointed time at Singhania Palace. The butler escorted him into the conference room, a space often used by the Singhania family for official meetings. RS was already present and immediately instructed the butler to call Sid.

Butler: Ma'am, Sidharth Sir is not in the palace yet.

RS: What?? I asked him to be present at 8 am. I'm sorry, Mr. Rehman, please allow me a few minutes to call Sidharth and check.

She dialed Sid's number, but it went unanswered. She tried again, and once more, there was no response. While she was attempting the third time, Sid finally entered the conference room.

Sid: Hey, folks! I am here.

RS: Sidharth, we are here to discuss official matters. Please choose your words carefully; this is quite embarrassing.

Sid: Apologies, Her Highness Rina Singhania, and Mr. Rehman. (sarcastically)

RS: Sidharth, I know you are not used to discussing official matters, but there are some basic manners that every civilized person follows. You are late by 7 minutes, and your sarcastic remarks are not acceptable.

Sid: Okay, can we start the meeting now, please? I am tired of partying, and I need to rest! You are wasting more time in lecturing, so now it's 10 minutes delayed instead of 7.

RS: I am extremely sorry, Mr. Rehman. There's no point in arguing with him. Can we please start the meeting?

Rehman: Of course, Mrs. Singhania. I will read out the Will, which was recently changed by Mr. Singhania.

RS: (Thinks - could it mean he suspected that his life was in danger?) Okay, Mr. Rehman, please continue.

Rehman: Let me provide the gist of the will to make it easier for Mr. Sidharth to understand and save time as well. I will leave a copy for you to read further. (RS and Sid nod in agreement)

According to the Will, Mr. Singhania held 35% of shares, Mrs. Singhania holds 25% of shares, Mr. Sidharth holds 10%, and the rest is held by the public. Apart from shares, other personal assets and properties belonging to Mr. Singhania, post-deducting any liabilities, amount to Rs. 150 crores. This includes the palace, farm house, land, and his bank balance.

Upon his death, Mr. Singhania's entire property would go to his only heir, Sidharth Singhania, except for properties held jointly with Mrs. Singhania, where the title would fully shift to her.

However, there is a clause regarding passing the above-mentioned assets and shares to Mr. Sidharth Singhania. Sidharth should attend the office within 15 days from the date of Mr. Singhania's demise. Furthermore, he also needs to ensure that the company's growth is maintained at least at 5% in 3 of 4 consecutive quarters.

Further to this clause, Mr. Sidharth should legally be married within 3 months of Mr. Singhania's demise. If he fails to fulfill any of these criteria, he will not be entitled to any benefits arising from this will. In that case, the 10% share which is currently held by him will be forfeited and transferred to his legally wedded wife, or if he fails to fulfill the marriage criteria, the forfeited shares will be passed to Mrs. Singhania.

Sid: Are you in your senses, Mr. Rehman? Is this will for real?

RS: Sidharth, watch your words. I understand your father's point of view. He can't simply hand over the entire business to someone who might not be responsible. He has ensured that his self-made empire is entrusted to the right hands.

Sid: I know. For him, his self-made empire was more important than his own son. I don't believe in this bull crap. I am just going to rest.

RS: Sidharth, if you decline without even trying to prove yourself, then please be aware that, as a mother, I will allow you to stay in the house, but you will not get anything else apart from three meals and basic necessities like clothing and cleaning products. This means no usage of cars, bikes, money for clubs, disco, or other entertainment.

Sid: What? This is expected of you. You are more of a businesswoman than a mother. You have always followed in the footsteps of Mr. Inder Singhania rather than helping me take my first steps as a son.

RS: You may think whatever you want, Sidharth. But my words will not change.

Sid: Okay, let's talk business. Mr. Rehman, if I accept joining the office, who will look after my expenses?

Rehman: There is a clause that you will be paid a salary of Rs. 20,000 per month for the next year only if you work for at least 8 hours per day, 20 days a month.

Sid: Rs. 20,000 per month? My expenses are more than that per day. So, I am paid Rs. 1000 per day for 8 hours.

RS: Wow! You know math! That means your MBA degree was not a waste.

Sid: Of course, Mrs. Singhania. I scored 7.3 CGPA, but you never had time to look at my reports. I am glad that you at least remember my qualification. So, with this qualification, I can work outside and earn more than that crappy Rs. 20,000 you would pay.

RS: Yes, in the short term, it might sound good. But you may want to know a few more things before proceeding. It's not easy to get a job. You have zero experience, and while your name is big and you may get a job based on that name, can you do any value addition to the company you work for? They will throw you out if you do not perform. Do you think you can perform well? If your answer is yes, then why can't you do that value addition to our company and, after a year, get the entire empire for yourself? You won't be at a loss with this.

Sid: You are an amazing businesswoman. But sad you couldn't be as good a mother.

Rehman: Additionally, Mrs. Singhania will have power of attorney for a year until Mr. Sidharth fulfills the requirements. In case Sidharth doesn't fulfill the requirements, the 35% share held by Mr. Singhania would be transferred to the trust along with all other assets.

Sid: So, he wants any 3rd party to enjoy the property rather than his own son.

RS: Why so much negativity, Sidharth? Can't you be a little bit positive and trust yourself to prove and get that money?

Sid: How is it possible, though? I am not being negative, but realistic. I have zero knowledge about the company, and it would take at least 6 months to understand its workings. The first two quarters would be gone, and meeting the condition of three profitable quarters out of four seems daunting.

RS: If you put in the effort, anything is possible. I am here to support and help you. Tomorrow, I will hire a personal secretary for you who will be available to assist you 24/7.

Sid: Okay, it seems like I don't have a choice, though. What about the second condition of marriage?

RS: That's your personal choice, Sidharth. Do you have any girlfriends?

Sid: I have many!

RS: Wow! Do you think any of them are capable of being Mrs. Sidharth Singhania?

Sid: Does it mean finding another Mrs. Rina Singhania who only cares about business?

RS: So, do you want another Mr. Sidharth Singhania who just believes in wasting the money earned by his parents?

Sid: What I meant is that Mrs. Sidharth Singhania would be someone who cares for family more than money.

RS: Okay, so does anyone from your girlfriend list meet that criteria?

Sid: I don't know. I don't have any serious relationship with anyone.

RS: In that case, it might be difficult to find someone in 3 months. I suggest we arrange a swayamwar kind of event for you. You can invite a few suitable brides to stay in the palace, and you can spend some quality time getting to know them. Eventually, you can finalize one among them to be your wife.

Sid: Whoa! That sounds like quite an idea, lady! It's surely going to be an end game of mine, where I handle work and a few ladies at home!

RS: Don't worry, Sidharth. You have 12 days to select prospective brides and 3 months to marry one. Once I appoint a Personal Secretary for you, that person can assist and brief you with both businesses!

They conclude the meeting, and Sid takes some time to rest before he prepares himself to take on this new challenge.


To be continued ❤️❤️

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