1- A New Dawn

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a/n - so I'm rewriting this book a nd the PoV is using y/n but as if it was you writing down speech unless it's another characters Pov anyways thanks for choosing to read this book ( if it's not got any more chapters then add it to a list and it will notify you when a new chapter comes out) 

It was a cloudy grey day , but I couldn't let that stop Bonnie, Caroline and I from having a great day  , it had been one year since I moved to mystic falls to live with my brothers Damon , Stefan and we used to like with our nephew zac but we called him uncle zac . On my way to school Stefan wouldn't shut up about his girlfriend Elena , she looks just like kathrine it's really of putting. 

After fifteen minutes of constant rambling from Stefan we where finally at school where I thanked him for taking me as we went our separate ways. I saw Caroline and Bonnie sat at our usual table , I immediately ran over and greeted them both with a group hug . " I'm so excited, so we can't go to the lake house and swim soo I was thinking. Girls night at my house I'm talking twilight, pizza , popcorn and gin ?" I asked they both agreed that it was a great idea , but I was worried about Damon he is a bit full on if you haven't met him or don't really understand him .  I swear if he laid a hand on either one of them I would have daggers him right there and then , that wouldn't have been great because the girls didn't know we where vampires ( I'm not going to put anything about bl0od in the story cos ppl get triggered) , I was going to tell them when they came over tonight and then I wouldn't have to keep secrets from them . 

The rest of the day moved slower than usual, which would be fine if I wasn't planning on possibly ruining my only friendships and exposing my family. Despite my lessons dragging on for what felt like hours maths was the last but worst lessons, I already hated it as it was . I spent the who,e class looking out the window and at the clock whilst tapping my pen on the table , I was completely unfocused it's times like this I wish I would have listened to Damon instead of going to high school with Stefan . I would never tell Damon that he won't let me forget it and forever is a long time when you're immortal my running mind was interrupted with the loud , persistent wringing of the bell . Finally class was over . I packed up my thing and walked out of class to meet Bonnie and Caroline so we could go to the house .

I saw the girls by Caroline's car , we took Caroline's car becaus if Elena came over there was not a chance on earth we would be in that house . We where talking about the maths test " how did you do y/n ?" Bonnie prayed from me I didn't know what to say because If I told them how bad I did they would ask why and I couldn't tell them I was out in the woods all night trying to find lunch . So I lied " they haven't gave us our results yet , but I'll probable won't do to well I fell asleep in my maths book ." It was a safe answer and it worked . We spent the car ride being stupid and singing along to as many cringeworthy songs as we could it was fun . " we should probably get some snacks if we a are going to be staying up ." Caroline suggested we all agreed and headed to tesco ( yes we love tesco) . When we got there i went to grab a pizza from the frozen isles , Bonnie went to go and get Doritos and dip whilst Caroline went to get monsters and coke. When we got our stuff we met back at the tills , I paid for the stuff and we went back home again singing the worst songs . 

We arrived home and I fell through the door it was so funny we laughed so hard we fell into a pile " WHO IS THERE " Damon yelled as if he wasn't sat in the next room . " NOBODY FUCK OFF!" I screamed only louder . I told the girls to go upstairs while I had a little chat with my brother " Damon I swear if you touch one of my friends I'll stake you , you make a rude comment I'll stake you , you-" I threatened trying to be as scary as possible for being the youngest , I was turned after them so people think me and Damon are the same age . " God woman I get it don't be Damonish or I'm getting staked , now go back to your little girly sleepover and giggle or do whatever it is you girls do when you are together." Damon interrupted, he was great at that and always has been hopefully he won't always be so Damonish but it's been 178 years and nothing has changed . I gave him a nod and turned to walk away , I was halfway up the stairs " LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE ALL GETTING CHANGED !" he shouted after me . Sometimes it disgusts me to be related to such a pig of a man .

I got into my room " what the fuck Is wrong with your brother ?" Caroline questioned her face clearly repulsed by Damon's horrid comment " he is a very sad man with no morals." I simply replied " but sometimes he's actually nice and funny , if you ever wanted a drinking partner he's great , how do you think I get those grades in history? Damon goes drinking with Ric !" I added . As much as I hated to admit it he was a better brother than Stefan and we got on better ,I knew he would protect me with his life if it ever came to that . We where all talking when I got a text " it's from Damon " I paused " aw shit stefan brought Elena, grab the stuff we need to go if we don't want to hear bed springs  ." I announced making us all laugh. We grabbed the stuff and headed to the car " my house is empty for another week we could stay there " Bonnie offered so that's where we headed , I felt bad she didn't really have any constants just me and Care after her grand passed away . 

A big phat time skip 

We had finished watched the twilight sagas and it was three am " we should have drank all those monsters , anyways what should we do ?" I asked now bored . " how long has it been since our last gossip session?" Caroline puzzled eyes widening " yes where is my cup I must dip the teaaaaa!" Bonnie started to get a burst of energy, this would be fun ." Okay me first now this is important " she trailed on splitting her pillow, the feathers began to flout " I'm a witch " Bonnie stated smile on her face  . " thank god fir that , I'm a vampire I've wanted to tell you both for so long but I didn't want to expose my brothers !" I  replied a weight being lifted of my chest . " am I the only normal one now ?" Caroline joked " wellll I actually really like Stefan that bitch Elena got him first !" Caroline carried on . ( idk why I made everyone hate Elena but oh well ) " Stefan is only dating her because she looks like this vampire, he used to sleep with her name is kathrine and she is currently desecating in a magic tomb under the ground where this old church used to be , but we can't let her out because she with 26 other vampires and we can't risk that ." I explained to them trying to comfort Care. " but she's always the one that everyone picks for everything and I try so hard and I'm never the one." Caroline pretend to wipe a tear . " there's always the other brother!" I kidded never again will I joke about that because she replied with the " oh my god y/n you're a genius Damon is way more sexy and it will make Stefan soo jealous!" I gave Bonnie one of those looks , the is this bitch for real right now looks . " don't go playing my brothers please I know Damon looks tough but he is just a lost puppy at heart and you will only starts a family war." I tried to be gentle but she looked do sad " I was joking duh." She replied but looked down .

At some point we fell asleep because I woke up to Bonnie and Care looking down at me " it's 12 o'clock how did we sleep in so late " Bonnie groaned rubbing the bridge of her nose. " I don't know-" I looked at my phone " fuck sake Damon needs me I'm gonna get dressed he'll be here in ten minutes."  I was not excited. Damon had arrived I hugged both the girls " it's been great I'll speak to you both soon " I stated enforce walking to Damon's car . 

" we have a problem." Damon sounded excited for this it intrigued me because that meant it was a good problem . " so what's going on , are we talking Elana died or something actually bad ?" I questioned praying for it to be Elena died but of course it wasn't . 

We got home and Stefan had bourbon this was bad news we sat on the counch " you might want a drink ." Damon said offering me a glass of scotch if Stefan needed it I needed it so I took it gladly, things are better when I'm drunk . " the originals are back and we didn't leave on good terms we don't know what they want but I'm assuming they didn't come for sight seeing." Damon explained just great . " why are you two so stupid ? So is it a regular occurrence to piss of the most dangerous family alive or ? . Because if we end up in trouble I've done both wrong I will not hesitate to take Bonnie , Caroline and run away , they have no idea I exist." I interrupted because my idiotic brothers gave got us in deep shit before and we barely got outworn our lives and now tg sy do this " well you see they may or may not know you exist " Stefan added . Fucking marvellous I was going to die because my bone head brothers don't know when to shut up and only have air in between their ears . 

Word count- 1976

I was not expecting this chapter to be so long or to finish it tonight but this only took two hours so I'm proud of that anywYs if you enjoyed this chapter please interact dear god I hope someone finds something joke worthy in this chapter because some comments on books absolutely crack me up. K anyways love you bye :)

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