2- A stranger in the forest

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 ( okay this chapter is just how you meet klaus so if you are triggered by blood or injury details then just skip it's not that important but if you can please stay it helps the book to grow and will be better for the reading experience  :) k enjoy . ) 

So I had the oust powerful beings possibly hunting me down and I have no idea what they look like sound like or where they are they could be in this house and I wouldn't know . Damon was first to speak " Stefan you have to stay home they can kill you at any given time, because you refuse to drink human blood ." He had a twinge of annoyance in his voice . I hated it when he was right but wait " does that mean I can still go out and live normally!" I asked excited " yes but on one condition you come out with me and hunt every day , because you need to be prepared for anything " he warned it was nice when he worried about me . " if there was ever a time to drop the diet it's now I'm gonna get blood bags ." Stefan added that's how I knew . My brothers had gotten us in DEEP SHIT. 

" right lets go y/n , Stefan we'll see you later and do us a favour don't die !" Damon joked I hope he was joking anyway. I followed Damon it was a good hunting time it was about nine o'clock and the dark had just settled in, there are usually out of towers camping in the clearing of the forest . " I'm thinking the best plan is the clearing, nobody will hear them scream ." I suggested to Damon " okay but we need to be quiet follow me ." He replied raising a finger to his lips and creeping into the forest . I liked it when he was all big brother-y and not a pig but this was getting annoying, nevertheless I slowly crept behind him and into the darkness of the night . 

We had been sneaking around for about ten minutes and weren't far from the clearing when we heard a scream , I was starving and when I smelled the blood I couldn't help myself . I vamp ran as fast as I possibly could , shortly followed by Damon worrying again . Only to find a tall man with broad shoulders and dirty blonde hair drinking from a short brunette girls neck whilst three other girls stood shocked , unable to move probably compelled. The next thing I saw was the girls body drop to the ground completely drained and this mans face , his gorgeous face , eyes blue as the seas in Greece. Damon's face dropped seeing the mans face , probably a old 'friend' he has a lot of those . 

" you're welcome to Join me I can't possibly drink four people to myself !" The British stranger spoke , oh god his accent I- " no I think we're okay Klaus " Damon responded completely interrupting my thoughts . Wait what " Klaus as in Klaus Mikaelson , Klaus , please don't kill me sorry that probably sounds rude , it's such a honour to meet you!" I jumped in . God why was I getting so flustered this man , this beautiful man wanted to kill my brothers and possibly me . I walked over and grabbed one of the girls , Damon gave me a look of I'm not angry just disappointed I hated that look , so I returned the what look . I was only making sure I didn't kill the next person I saw and Klaus was kind enough to offer . " so Damon I haven't seen you in a while who's this ?" Klaus asked " my names y/n , y/n salvatore " I replied . Damon was going to kill me when we got home " it's a beautiful name , almost as beautiful as you !" Klaus spoke softly and smirked. " thanks " Damon tugged my arm I could see he was absolutely livid. 

We where about to leave before we heard klaus " bring your brother Stefan with you tomorrow I want to see you all here at 8 o'clock!" . I knew he was probably going to kill us but I told myself he just wanted to see me again . I wasn't wrong about Damon, he was pissed and the whole walk home he gave me a big lecture about klaus being dangerous. 

 Word count- 815 

Okay I don't really like this chapter but whatever. This will hopefully be my shortest chapter okay I'm going to leave this now and try to get chapter 3 out tonight or tomorrow. 

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