6- a secret

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Bursting through the door came Rebekah " thank you, thank you, thank you!" She yelled " oh I'm so happy I could kiss you y/n " . She sat on my bed and hugged me" wait what did I do ? What on gods green earth is happening?"I questioned dazed and confused, she just smiled and replied " somehow you changed Niks mind he said something about you and then he said when we go to New Orleans I could finally be with Marcell." I was puzzled why did I have anything  to do with Rebekah's love life . " REBEKAH!! "  klaus yelled from the bottom of the stairs loud enough to cause a earthquake , Rebekah then stormed out the room to find klaus then all I  heard was loud bickering and then MY NAME . I had , had enough I walked out that room " okay what is it with this family there is always something about my name and then silence as soon as I get here." Klaus took my hand and walked me to his  room closing the door behind the both of us  . 

" I think we need to have a little chat y/n ." 

" klaus if this about me coming with you it's not a problem I just won't go , I can grab my stuff and go to live with one of my friends." Klaus took both of my hands in his so we where facing each other " no no y/n I want nothing more than to travel the world with you but that means I'm going to have to be honest with you." He sighed whilst I  sat there confused until klaus's hands pulled me in so one was on my thigh and the other on my waist as his lips met mine and we eased into a passionate kiss  . As he pulled away from the kiss I  was  speechless and didn't know what to do but I soon  realised this was all that I had ever dreamed of . In these past few days I  had got more than i could have ever thought I was worthy of a family , real friends and now someone who loves me , he knew what I was and not only accepted that but understood that- wait did I  love klaus? " I- I'm sorry." He started " no don't be sorry " no what had I  just said I  felt the heat start to rise in my cheeks " y/n I was bang out of order I shouldn't have done that but y/n you should know from the moment I met you I knew that I wanted to get to know you , now I have and you're the most amazing person I've ever met . So will you be my girlfriend?" I was stunned " yes , yes you silly man !" I yelled . I  had never been so happy and then I saw the smile creeping it's way onto klaus's face I could have lived in that  moment forever .

Klaus stood up nodded his head and walked out , shortly followed by me running along the halls to Rebekah's room . " REBEKAH ! You will not believe what just happened." I announced bursting through her door " oh I think I can just about gues my brother is much more smitten then he lets on ." She laughs holding up her phone that's when I saw all the messages between the three of them ( klaus , Rebekah and Elijah) which made me smile and blush , klaus had only just asked you out and he was already showing you of and bragging. " ooh somebody's blushing " Rebekah taunted but I didn't care , this was what  I wanted a sister a brother and someone who loved me . But that's when panic hit me right in the face like a ton of bricks if Damon and Stefan found out they would loose their shit . " hello y/n " she spoke dragging out the o and waving her hand in front of my face " oh sorry what where you saying " I  said now questioning how long i had been thinking for " no no I'm interested now what in heavens name are you thinking about ?" This was going to be fun " oh just that if Stefan and Damon find out they will completely lose their shit ." I began Rebekah just laughed " and  we are originals we can protect you and we are basically indestructible " I sighed a great sigh of relief . 

" Rebekah?" I started " since I'm the reason that you are getting to be with your mystery man Marcell do tell me yano just absolutely everything about him." Rebekah turned red as she explained how she met Marcell their forbidden love having to leave him ( if you watched the originals you know ) . 

Time skip cos I'm lazy af 

Rebekah and I had stayed up all night talking without realising and by the time we realised  that the sun had rose .  We walked down to the basement to grab blood bags for everyone, it was a good job that we had because when i returned Elijah and klaus where there (sorry I had to put blood in ). Of course at the sight of each other klaus and I smiled like fools " good god brother what has y/n done to you " Elijah turned to me " y/n I think you have broke Niklaus " he laughed proud of himself . I had all gotten ready for the day and had drank blood which should keep me  running for the day , it was a beautiful day the sun was shining " we should all go for a walk through the woods "  I said thinking aloud and to my surprise everyone agreed. We all set out and had a great time i hadn't even realised that klaus was holding my hand until Rebekah and Elijah where whispering and laughing to each other. " so klaus " Elijah started " how is coupled life " Rebekah interrupted " I erm well I-" klaus realised he was holding my  hand and got nervous it was cute seeing him so flustered and embarrassed. ( the next part is in your thoughts okay ) there's something charming and almost polite but he was selfish and he was vulgar and lewd but now he's loving and so shy I wonder why I didn't see it there before. 

Word count- 1151 

Hi I re wrote some of this chapter cos it was short and cringe so I had to plan and write but it's finally ok and I know where to go from here . Okay but like this was cute .

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