12~ unfinished symphony

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Okay so *clap* I might finish the story up on this chapter but I'll explain a little further down the page 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ran as fast and far as I could away from there , they where impossible to deal with i would be in this position if I had just stayed and listened to my brothers everything would be okay . I felt a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry y/n please come back I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you " klaus pleaded "well why don't you just go find that girl from before" I questioned  turning away from klaus . "Because y/n she meant nothing I swear" he replied "and I bet that's what you said to the others when you met me , if you really loved  me you wouldn't have even thought about dancing with her , really I'm doing you a favour your free now" I stated simply "y/n what does that mean?" He asked "it means I'm done , I guess you will always be my unfinished symphony" I replied sadly "and you will always be the one that got away" klaus muttered walking away in the pouring rain . 

"Hi , the nearest airport please" I said getting in the taxi "you okay ?" The driver asked "it's been a rough night" I huffed out "i know the feeling" the driver  slightly chuckled sympathetically . The remainder of the drive was quiet   "Thanks , now you are going let me off with paying because it's been such a hard night" I compelled the driver then walking away into the airport.  

"Hi miss how can we help you today?" The employee asked with a sweet smile "hi can I get a ticket for the next flight to mystic falls " 

"Any luggage?" 

"Nope just me , sort of a family emergency" 

She passed me my ticket and pointed me in the direction of the gates "planes leaving in twenty minutes " she said , I couldn't help but think of how stupid i had been ,I thought I had a family, I thought he loved me . It was foolish my brothers knew they were smart I should have listened to them but intead I freaked out and it all whe to wrong they were only looking out for me after all. Soon enough my flight was being called and it was time to board . 

~~spicy lil time skip ;)~~ 

"And that's what happened I never should have left I should have listened but you have to understand I thought he loved me and I did, I do love him and even if it was short lived he was my love , my life  " I explained sat in the familiar living room of my brothers . Although I would never admit it to them I still loved klaus but I had to let him go he couldn't be held back by one person even if he tried his best but he did try for me and that's what matters . Maybe one day he'll find someone who he can love and only them but I know that a piece of my heart will always belong to klaus mikaelson. "See Stefan I told you she would come crawling back when klaus couldn't hold up the act" Damon smiled smugly "that you did brother , that you did" Stefan rolled his eyes "anyways y/n it's good to have you back but I have to tell you I'm going out with Caroline" he scratched his neck nervously. "Oh thank god no more Elena" I sighed with relief "well actually" Damon looked away "for fuck sake Damon I thought we hated her?" I said stifling a laugh . "It's good to be back home" I was finally back I had my friends, my family and I had closure . Somethimes I wonder if it could really be me who needed setting free but I know we are both better off without each other. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry this is the end but I do have some IT oneshots underway so if you want to read those if appreciate it here is my explanation . I ended this book because I hopped into the relationship to quick used all my ideas then it stopped making sense so I changed the plot and it ended as y/n telling your brothers the important events with klaus so yeah  . Again I'm sorry for ending it  love you all might see you in my next story byeeeeee. 

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