8- so this is love

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 A/N really quick so Im  no longer going to be putting anything about bl00d because it is a trigger and of course you and anyone who was a vampire is still a vampire. 

Upon waking up I checked my phone and groaned 11:30 I had a banging headache (btw this is your thoughts) I shouldn't have drank so much vodka last night  . I looked in the mirror i looked a state but it wouldn't matter anyway the mikaelsons wouldn't mind , accept when I walked down the stairs Elijah, Kol , Klaus and Marcell. "Okay it could be the hangover but you left last night and I might be crazy but somebody usually wakes me up by nine but first what the fuck is happening here !" Everyone laughed accept klaus, he gave me a sorry smile "sorry luv I did come to wake you up about two hours ago but you just looked so peaceful " oh god damn it fuck why did he have to be so perfect. "Okay I look a mess so I'm going away now bye !" I yelled walking up the stairs . 

I walked up the stairs and into Rebekahs room pulling open the curtains " get up get up get up !" I wisper yelled " okay I'm up , what do you need?" She yawned . " so I hate a date with klaus at half five so I need you to get Freya up and pick out some shoes and a nice dress please and you have like half an hour because I have to shower and wash my hair so get to work!" I nodded walked out of her room . 

~~time skip to after the shower~~ 

I got out of the shower wrapped myself in a towel , wrapped my hair in a towel and brushed my teeth . While walking into my room I saw not only two very exhausted originals asleep on my floor but I saw the most beautiful red dress and wedges. So I wrote out a note thanks for the outfit, couldn't have picked it without you both   . I brought the outfit into the bathroom , did my makeup and put on my dress with an hour to spare . 

An- this is what I picked out for the outfit and makeup if you don't like it change it but I thought it was nice so yeah 

An- this is what I picked out for the outfit and makeup if you don't like it change it but I thought it was nice so yeah 

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 (omfg money machine just started to play lemme go vibe )

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 (omfg money machine just started to play lemme go vibe )

I realised how distant I had been with Bonnie and Caroline, decided to start a group FaceTime with them to show them my outfit

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I realised how distant I had been with Bonnie and Caroline, decided to start a group FaceTime with them to show them my outfit . 

(B- Bonnie , C- Caroline , you

B- hi y/n , I've missed you 

C- oh my god hi y/n , wait what's with the makeup ?

Okay so I haven't called much so firstly sorry and secondly what's with the makeup is klaus and I have a thing sort of going on and he is taking me for a date. 

C+B- what ? 

Yeaahhh, that why I called actually I need options on the outfit 

C- y/n , one word YES 

B- you look stunning 

~~end of speech~~

 After ending the call with bonnie and Caroline I walked into my room to wake up the girls and it was a hardship but finally after 15 minutes they got up . "Hi I really hate to wake you both up but I wanted to say thanks for picking this out I love it!" I whispered trying not to startle them . "Oh you are so welcome" Freya said groggily " it looks so good on you" Rebekah added before nodding off again. 

17:25 I walked down the stairs , Kol wolf whistled me which caused klaus to smack him round the head , "you look stunning luv " klaus smiled at me softly " you don't look so bad yourself good sir !" I spoke trying not to be embarrassed by myself . "Are you ready to go ?" He questioned " lead the way !" I said as he took his hand in mine " okay so this isn't final if you want we can do something else so keep that in mind , first I give you a tour then we watch the sun set in my favourite place and after that we go dancing but if you don-" klaus rambled nervously "it sounds lovely" I interrupted giving him a quick peck on the lips . 

The town was beautiful ,almost alive with color , the buildings antique like and plantlife thrived dancing in the songs of the crisp but warm evening air . Coming to a stop at the top of a hill , klaus sat down and patted the ground next to him signalling for me to sit with him I complied smoothing the bottom of my dress as I sat down laying my head on his shoulder. Klaus wrapped one of his arms around my waist pulling me closer as his chin wrested on to of my head , "this is my favourite spot in the whole city , I used to sit out here day in day out painting and Watching the sun set , but that isn't the point well I was wondering y/n maybe this could be our favourite spot just to come to get away from everyone you know ?" Klaus stumbled through his words awkwardly and scared of rejection "that sounds nice" I replied smiling and blushing. By this time it was already half nine and the sun was just setting so we got up and klaus said we were going home . 

After half an hour of walking klaus pulled me through a alleyway I didn't recognise and to my surprise it led to a dim light hall with calm music "may I have this dance miss"klaus said bowing "you most certainly may sir" I laughed returning the action . When he led me to the dance floor 'la vie en rose by cristin milioti' started to play "I never told you that was my favourite song how did you know?" I raised a eyebrow "that's for me to know and you to ..." Klaus smirked proud .

After a few hours dancing we started to actually head home because it was getting on for one in the morning and it would take at least a hour home , we walked home in a comfortable silence hand in hand . I slightly jumped looking behind me hearing a rustling "what are you scared of love , I'm here to protect you?" Klaus asked rhetorically letting go of my hand and instead wrapping a arm around my waist pulling me close letting me know I'm safe and others that I am his  and his only . 

On arriving home it was about half one maybe two in the morning so everyone else was asleep. Both myself and klaus being tired and half asleep already we slipped our shoes of at the door and when the upstairs . Not to our respective rooms though I followed him into him room . 

Word count - 1390

An- so nothing happened ya nasties they just went to sleep anyways thanks so so much for 600 reads :) can you maybe leave a little comment to let me know what you think of this story or maybe give me some ideas for future chapters I would really appreciate it so thanks . 

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