5- new family

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That night I lay in my bed thinking about what Rebekah had said to me maybe it was a good idea to stay with them and be like their second sister , we all got on really well and they seemed  to like me . When I woke up I saw Rebekah sat at a the bottom of my bed , klaus sat on the floor with his legs crossed and Elijah sat on my window sill . I just laughed "what are you all doing ?" I questioned them "well yesterday you shouted at us for waking you up to early so we decided to sit here until you woke up" Rebekah replied with a smile on her face "how long have you been here?" I said noticing klaus and Elijah where both asleep head in hands . "About half an hour , now get up you to boys!" Rebekah said walking out the room . "What's her problem?" I say looking at the now awake boys "she has a new person to boss about that doesn't wake up at the crack of dawn" Elijah responds laughing. We all got up yo see where Rebekah had gone to we found her sat in the living room waiting for us . 

We sat down with her "so I was thinking that is if you all want me to I could come and travel with you maybe" I announced almost as a question. I was answered with everyone repeating the word yes and hugging me it was nice . "If I am going to go I should probably tell my brothers shouldn't I ?" I asked looking down i knew my brothers never agreed with the family or anything they did but I never knew why . "If they don't agree then just tell them to come with us ." Klaus replied hearing the nerves in my voice . I nodded and walked upstairs to get dressed. 

~time skip~

Before I walked out the door I turned to Rebekah "I'll text you when im on my way back right bye!" Then I closed the door . When I walked out the sun was shining through the trees as bright butterflies danced through the air and the sweet smell of wildflowers filled the forest. So I decided to take time walking the boarding house was close so it only took ten minutes but it was nice and it helped me to calm my nerves.  

I arrived at the door and knocked Stefan answered I thought he would be forgiving " DAMONNNN!" He yelled walking away from the door as if the very sight of me repulsed him . Damon walked to the door and scowled at me "what do you want." He sighed stepping into the door frame to try and keep me out , I pushed passed him . "We need to talk okay?" I announced walking over to the counch bringing both boys with me "okay you've barged in sat us both down now what do you want 'baby mikaelson'!" Damon taunted with every intention to piss me off . "About that I erm well I I'm going to travel the world with them!" I quickly spat out and looked down at my feet . "Oh shit!" Stefan laughed like something was funny "yeah I don't think you are I mean are you fucking brain washed they are stone cold vicious murderers!" Damon roared at the top of his voice, like he could scare me . But I had enough of his bullshit "okay and we aren't , I mean no offence or anything but Stefan you're no angle I mean murdering a village of children on Christmas and Damon let's not pretend you didn't murder a quarter of the town as soon as you got here!" I snapped accidentally. Damon tossed me over his shoulders and through me in the basement cells "hey what the actual fuck let me out !" I shouted trying to find a way to open the door until I realised I had my phone . "Idiots" I muttered under my breath , I text Rebekah 'hey can you come over to the boarding house? Damon trapped me in the basement.' I sent it and ten minutes later I got her reply 'sure I'll be there soon as I can:)' . I didn't worry about the soon part she was a vampi- I heard the door open shouting ,the sound of bones cracking and then two twats hit the deck. 

When the door opened it wasn't who I expected "klaus? What are you doi-?" I was interrupted mid sentence "no time to explain right now luv , come on let's go home" he offered his hand out to help me up , we left that boarding house and we never came back to it . Now nobody lives there and I haven't saw my brothers for 550 years I don't even know if they are alive but that's not the point I'm happy . " y/n I'm glad you decided to come with us " klaus smiled looking over at me "me to , me too NiKlAuS " I teased know he hated that "but when we get home I have to make a few calls and visit a few people yano tie some loose ends ." I added klaus nodding in agreement. When we got in the house Rebekah was lying on one of the couches Elijah on the other both in fits of laughter which soon stopped after seeing us walk in . " oh y/n I'm so glad your safe , I sent Nik instead because he's a big strong man much stronger than me Elijah nodded his head "mhm" before they both burst into laughter. I stood there a look of confusion on my face when I looked over at klaus he was blushing I thought nothing of it and walked to my room to call Bonnie and Caroline not before saying goodbye to my new family. 

I walked into my room and started a group call with Caroline and Bonnie so we could meet up *start of speach*

Hey- Y 



No questions asked meet me at mystic grill in fifteen minutes k - Y 


Okay  see you there - B 

*end of speech*

I drove to the grill and saw matts car pulling in he is most definitely second most annoying human I've ever met Elana is the first . I got out my car and saw Bonnie and Caroline sat in a booth I walked over and hugged them both "what's the occasion !" Caroline joked whilst handing me a menu "what's that supposed to mean?" I replied confused "anyways I can't do this sober shots anyone?" I continued raising a eyebrow . " y/n seriously what's going on ?" Bonnie asked with a look of worry displayed on her face  "just something really big but we need alcohol!" I added (omfg Bonnies funeral just came on lemme go cry) "okay , I need to know y/n go compell some shots out of those bartenders " Caroline laughed sending me on my way . 

After a few shots I told them everything the arguments with my brothers , how nice the mikaelsons where, traveling and finally that I was going to have to leave them that was sad . "So you're just going to leave us for some hot British pe- actually I don't blame you" Caroline spoke trying to hide her sadness by making a joke . "I'm gonna miss you , but like have fun !" Bonnie smiled giving me a hug " and SEND PHOTOS!" Caroline laughed joining the hug . "I'm going to love yers and leave yers " I said releasing from the hug . On the way home I decided to do 'a good deed' I drove the car over to Caroline's house and left the car and keys . I left her a note 'so Bonnie doesn't have to be your personal chauffeur anymore' I wasn't going to need the car anymore I sent Rebekah a text telling her I was coming home before speeding off into the night. 

Word count- 1413

(A/N- this was supposed to go up last night but I got lazy sorry anyways I hope you enjoyed and you don't have to but if you could maybe vote or comment that would help the book okay thanks :)  ) 

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