Part 10- you and me always :)

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I ran upstairs and sat against my door , all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together my brothers saying he was dangerous, always just saying he was a original. I didn't know how I felt I was angry or sad I was just hurt , not hurt because of what he was , hurt because I chose him over my brothers and he lied to me . I think what hurt me most was I didn't know why he hid it , was it because he didn't trust me , it didn't seem important, there was never a good time or did he think he could hide it from me . That hurt soon turned to fear, fear that it could have been me not Marcell what if I would have argued with him , Marcell could take him but I was basically a baby vampire compared to klaus . I wanted to go home just pack my bags, get the next flight home , go to the house and beg them to forgive me but I couldn't they wouldn't trust me or forgive me . The raucous eventually died down in the living room but I didn't have the strength to look klaus in the eye after that performance. 

~~meanwhile in the living room~~ 

Klaus had returned to his normal self and Marcell had left the house on his way  out hey shot y/n a text 'hey , sorry you had to see that earlier and if it's worth anything to you sorry I tried to kill your mans😂' . "Klaus what the fuck ? Firstly you nearly bit my boyfriend secondly y/n saw that" Rebekah tried to remain calm "she what?" Klaus's eyes widened and his jaw dropped down to the floor, he took of up the stairs to y/n's room . 

~~back to y/n's room~~ 

I heard someone slide down my door "y/n, y/n luv , please open the door" klaus spoke to me softly "no , just go away klaus okay? Leave me alone" I replied holding back tears . "Y/n just let me in" klaus started to raise his voice "I said no klaus now go away" I shouted over powering him , he started to try and forcefully open the door by slamming his weight into it repeatedly "y/n open the door please y/n open the door y/n can we not fight anymore please y/n  can we not fight anymore y/n sure your scared I've been there but I can set you free !" (Ahhh heathers reference) . At this point I had barricaded my door and we were having a screaming match through it , all of a sudden it went silent and I got a text from Rebekah 'hiya lovely, I've took klaus out so you can both get some air and you can come out of your room , Elijah is still their but I brought Kol and Freya in case everything goes sideways xx' . I shot back a quick thanks as I began to remove things from I front of my door so I could go down to sit with Elijah . "Hi Elijah " I spoke with a soft tone being more calm now "oh hi y/n , are you okay ?" He asked regarding the previous events "I am now , sorry I sort of lashed out and then started screaming" I apologised . He smiled at me "no , no don't worry about it you're fine" he reassured me "okay , erm hate to ask but how's klaus?" I questioned Elijah "you probably won't like what I say but well he isn't grate he was crying , he thinks you hate him and he thinks that it's all him fault" Elijah spoke at quick pass looking at the ground . 

I started to feel bad , it was my fault , I shouldn't have lashed out at klaus I should have just talked to him this wouldn't have happened . Panic sank in slowly like I had swallowed a rock , klaus might not forgive me or he might not love me anymore what if he didn't want to talk about it so we move on but it's never the same . Suddenly the door opened and I saw klaus sniffling his face tear stained, Rebekah hand on his shoulder reassuring him , Freya stood behind klaus so he couldn't run and Kol stood next to klaus snarling at me . To be fair I deserved it , everyone walked in Freya taking Kol away so I didn't get bitch slapped . " oh- I- erm hi y/n" klaus stuttered rubbing the back of his neck while looking at his shoes "hi , can we talk?" I smiled awkwardly "he sure , er my room?" Klaus smiled holding out his hand , which I gladly took "lead the way" . 

We sat on his bed , and I listened intently while he explained all of the details about being a hybrid , what it means and how he is a hybrid. "Wow , that was a lot to take in " I said letting out a soft sigh " I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner , I completely understand if you can't trust me again and you want to break up and go home " he smiled softly. I put my hand on his shoulder " hey no , no I'm sorry I lashed out but that's just a part of being a couple not much you can do it's like they say all good couples have their moments okay ? Listen it just you and me always " I said looking him in the eyes . 

Word count - 976

Sorry this was short and shitty I just yeah whatever I just can't really be bothered but whatever:) 

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