Part 9- PUPPY love

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I woke up feeling a weight around my waist only to realise I had fallen asleep with klaus I carefully removed his arms from around me , so I could sneak out and the others wouldn't know . I was wrong as soon as I walked out the room I saw Rebekah stretching as she walked from her room I put my head down as my eyes widened and my face turned a bright shade of red (like Finn wolf hard talking about the mileven kiss) . She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room "oh my fucking god, I live with you and you tell me nothing " she whisper shouted "it's okay nothing happened we where just bladdered and we slept in the same bed it doesn't mean that anything- oh shit I hope nothing happened" I had to think back to last night not remembering much at all . Rebekah sighed "awwee young love , you never know if you where shagging or not" I rolled my eyes at her remark "I'm kidding it's cute you guys are in the puppy love phase" she said holding back a laugh . We heard a door open I was praying for it to be anyone but klaus "I'll stall and while you take that makeup situation off and put some new clothes on ,you're welcome" and with that Rebekah slipped out the room . Once I heard her and ... Guessing by voice Kol walk downstairs I carefully I tiptoed into my room to get some new clothes on and take off my old makeup. 

I don't know why but something about today just felt off , out of place it made me feel sick and uneasy it was going to be a bad day and I could feel it in my bones . Nevertheless I walked downstairs as if I had not long been awake , to be greeted by Rebekah and Kol I mouthed a quick 'thank you' to Rebekah "hi y/n , don't worry Rebekah didn't say a thing about you and klaus"Kol laughed loudly. I looked at Rebekah, she looked at Kol "Kol you're such a fucking wanker" Rebekah then took off her shoe and smacked him on the head with it . I just sat back laughing at them bicker . Elijah came down the stairs "can you two shut the fuck up some people want to sleep" he spoke groggily whilst rubbing his eyes , but I've never agreed with someone more . After Elijah sat down Kol and Rebekah stopped arguing, still I couldn't help getting even with her "soo Rebekah, how's Marcell?" I questioned holding back my smile . "He's fine y/n in fact he's coming over later ." She smiled squinting her eyes to show her annoyance. 

Eventually all five of us (you , klaus, Kol , Rebekah and Elijah) where all downstairs and to my surprise it wasn't awkward at all it was just normal between the two of us we were cuddled up on the counch while the others talked about some rubbish . But to be honest I think klaus just forgot we had even shared a bed ,new where quite drunk the night before . Me and klaus both fell asleep because I remember us both jumping when Marcell rang the door bell , and I'm not being funny or anything Marcell was great but I was really getting sick of seeing him it was every day . Which wouldn't be a problem if he had somethings interesting to talk about and he didn't every day it was the same , just rabbiting on about being King of the square or something I stopped paying attention after the first two hours . I had enough so I excused myself politely without being sus about it I slipped of into my room to scroll through tiktok. After a while of scrolling I stumbled upon Caroline's newest tiktok it was with Stefan and the caption said  'with bae <3' . I wanted to cry or throw up my kidneys and liver though that could have been my hangover  I leave for one week and they start dating, well at least he stopped dating Elena now she was a bitch and she never stopped crying. 

It was all peaceful, until it wasn't there was a uproar from downstairs and try as I might I couldn't ignore it , it was persistent so I quickly ran downstairs to see what was going on . I didn't expect what I saw . Elijah was holding Klaus down whils Rebekah stood behind Elijah, klaus who was clenching and unclenching his fists was being held back by Elijah while Marcell and Kol where  arguing. To be fair Elijah was doing a good job of holding back klaus until the argument became physical then klaus jumped in pushing Elijah back in the process of doing so . When klaus was in the fight is when I became worried for Marcell it was two against one but then klaus pushed Kol away in a desperate attempt to protect his younger brother. Despite Elijah's desperate attempts to break up the fight he failed and only made things worse I knew when I saw the change in both klaus and Marcell's face . Something was off with klaus though his face was different unlike the rest of us vampires , so I quickly ran to Rebekah to get some answers . Thinking it could be a genetic thing or a original thing I mean any explanation would do just as long as I get some sort of answer . I did get one a very vague one "Well remember when I said puppy love , well you'll see" but like wtf is that supposed to mean . Then right before my eyes klaus became a wolf "okay WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" I shouted . 

Word count - 1014 

Oooo cliff hanger to find idk this was just sort of a filler but yeah sorry it was quite short . 

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