3 - 8 o'clock

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when I got home I didn't bother to defend myself it was pointless Damon would still be mad so I stayed quiet, it would be better that way . I walked into the living room and Stefan had a glass of red liquid (I won't use the word) . " you aren't going to be happy Stefan!" Damon shouted as he stormed in behind me " what ?" Stefan shot me a confused look. I just looked back and widened my eyes hoping he would get the message like a scene from how I met your mother . " klaus was out and SOMEBODY started talking to him now we have to meet him in the clearing at 8 pm tomorrow " Damon continued as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Stefan looked at me and I threw my arms up in defence he had said he saw klaus how could I not speak to him . 

I just walked to my room and began to text Bonnie and Care because I had enough of Damon trying to make me feel guilty . When I woke up the house was silent , but when I walked downstairs Damon and Stefan were drinking blood bags and tapping there feet . Maybe it worked now they made me feel guilty I hated to see them like this all anxious and pensive. Damon threw me a blood bag ( I tried to avoid it but there is no way around it but blood won't be included after this chapter because it's just not relevant) I took it with me so I  could get ready . If I was about to be murdered by one hawt original I was going to do it in style I laid my clothes on the bed and hot in the shower/washed my hair . When I got out of the shower o dried my hair , brushed my teeth and applied a small amount of makeup after that I walked into my outfit. 

I looked good and I was going to say it because I did , I walked over to my fridge to get a drink when Damon stopped me . " and just where do you think you're going " he asked me like he was some kind of omnipotent god or something " to my room " I replied my best chance was to be at stupid as possible he would eventually get bored. I spent the rest of the day thinking about the fact that I could be the reason my brothers die , stupid Damon making me think about things . So instead I listened to Melanie Martinez and mothermother eventually the time rolled arounfpd so I waited for the boys in the living room . 

When you are a child your parents often tel, you stories allot of those stories share a moral don't go out alone , don't meet strangers and don't go out in the dark . Many of the children that do those things usually end up dead or in trouble but I wasn't a child and I wasn't alone . I was going out to a forest in the dark to meet a very ✨ aesthetically ✨ pleasing stranger . I would be fine because I'm one hundred and seventy three years old and was with two other  vampires in conclusion I was safe , hopefully. 

Whilst we where walking I could see Stefan looking at anything and everything he was nervous and it showed , I could tell Damon was nervous but he is just emotionally unavailable most of the time . He used to be happy kathrine made him happy since she died he hasn't been the same I think he needs somebody nice . I wasn't nervous I was excited to see klaus again, I got lost in my thoughts until I heard klaus speaking at the clearing and I ran to my the clearing. I shouldn't have done that , I don't know why I did , I ran so fast that ran into him but he was actually really nice about it we where just talking until my brothers showed up .  Klaus lifted his head " I was beginning to think you weren't coming, Elijah will be here shortly " klaus was so confident I envied him " Elijah is here presently!" a man  said from behind me I'm guessing it was Elijah . 

 The next part is just some dialogue 

Why did you want to see us - Damon 

I had no intention of seeing you but you just so happen to be here . What I want is the doppelgänger Elena Gilbert if I'm correct, I wanted to know if you had seen her - klaus 

No who is Elena?- Stefan 

Don't play dumb I will find her either way- Klaus 

Now brother play nice - Elijah 

The best chance you have of finding her is if you check the mystic girl or her house , I'm not sure where she lives though- me 

Y/N ! - Damon 

Thank you - Elijah 

Well this has been nice , let's not do it again- klaus 

Come on y/n - Damon grabbed my arm and tried to drag me away 

 You're welcome to join us y/n - klaus 

I think I just might - me walking over to klaus and Elijah 

And back to paragraphs 

I walked over to Elijah and Klaus, I couldn't deal with that walk home after just saying that about Elena. " so y/n why did you chose to come with us , I'm not complaining you seem like a very nice person " Elijah asked the one question I didn't want to answer. " well If I walked with them I might have been killed " I laughed it off " oh we have a sister at home Rebekah I'm sure you two will get along great , you can stay with us as long as you like ," klaus offered out of the kindness in his heart. I couldn't see why my brothers didn't like him he was great " thank you, both of you so much " I replied the walk to their home was nice the air felt clearer . We all got along very well we understood each other's humor and the way we thought .

 Word count- 1090

Okay this is the last chapter for tonight ima go read a wattpad and watch some vampire diaries night bubs:)

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