4- a mikaelson

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( a/n - I don't know why I feel the need to share this but something bad happened I'm back in my theatre and Melanie Martinez phases after the last time that happened it lasted six years :(  )

The walk home was amazing, it felt like we had known each other for years , they were both kind and polite . I quickly got a feel for how things worked with the three , they talked about Rebekah a lot on the way there . Elijah was the eldest of the three and he made sure they didn't do anything to stupid . Klaus was the irrational hybrid that kills everyone and starts wars over little things. Rebekah she was the youngest but had the biggest opinions that would be heard no matter what and she would fight tooth and nail for the people she loved. It felt like a hours worth  of talking about our lives but it was only twenty minutes before we had reached the door of their house. 

The house was mammoth with vast gardens that where filled with plant life , greenery , flower bushes and little flower beds also ng with some trees and shrubs . The door was wide and was made with a deep brown wood , the house was cream coloured and each room had a black railing surrounding the separate balconies . "This house is beautiful, how had nobody bought it when you arrived ?" I asked them only for Elijah to chuckle at me and for Klaus to reply "we have a exact copies of them one in each country that we like and stay in for a long time , we mostly use this one and our house in New Orleans" . It was madness they must have been rich or something. Both of the boys entered the house and Elijah invited me in as I stepped into the house "klaus, Elijah you're back!" A voice came from the couch who I now know as Rebekah "yes sister and we brought y/n !" Klaus replied strangly cheerful for such simple news . Rebekah ran over to me and gave me a hug "when Nik said you were beautiful I didn't believe him but here you are and you really are beautiful." Rebekah said embracing me enthusiastically, it made me blush did klaus really say that about me . No I couldn't think this I was sleeping for one night now is not the time to be catching feelings but klaus is so nice and- great y/n just wonderful. 

I was lead into a big room with a coffe table In between two couches both having a side table with various bourbon bottles it was almost like home . "So y/n which room will you be having?" Rebekah questioned cheerily. 

"I was just going to sleep on the couch it seems like a lot of hassle to prepare a room to stay in for just one night !" I replied 

"Oh so you're leaving tomorrow?" Elijah asked a twinge of sadness in his voice 

"No do stay we have plenty of rooms a and we are in no hurry to leave!" Klaus added 

"I thought you wou,d all want me out of your hair but if not then when do you want me gone?" I couldn't believe they wanted me hear .

"Nik can she come with us ?she could stay and it would mean that I have somebody else to talk to" Rebekah pleaded Elijah agreeing.

"What do you mean 'come with us' ?" I interrupted.

"What my sister meant was , you can stay as long as you want and if you are up for it you are welcome to come with us to travel the world." Klaus answered.

So obviously I told them "I'll think about traveling but of course I'll stay for awhile-"

I was interrupted by Rebekah grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs "so you can have the room next to mine and you can get your stuff tomorrow, I'm so excited we are going to be like sisters!" . I heard klaus and Elijah laugh at Rebekahs antics, I couldn't blame them it was quite funny . I liked Rebekah she was very confident, friendly , loud and she had one hell of an attitude, she reminded me of myself. She led me into my room it was amazing , there was a queen sized four post bed , a walk in wardrobe , a dressing table and mirror not to mention that the room was the size of a apartment okay maybe that's a exaggeration but it was huge. 

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