7- New Orleans

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(Okay let's get back at it shall we and omfg if you have Disney+ watch thumbelina I'm in so much stress rn there is so much wrong with this film ) 

We walked home in a comfortable silence , breathing in the tantalisingly sweet smell of the wild flowers as the warm summer breeze blew away and the cooler Autumn chill settled into the ground beneath us . Arriving at the door a wave of happiness washed over me , I was leaving this god awful town , and I was traveling with my friends no my family. 

Shaking with excitement and anticipation , I couldn't believe it in a matter of hours I would be meeting the rest of the mikaelsons and their friends but I wasn't exactly sure how they saw me , a mikaelson or a friend . "Okay we leave in a few hours so finish up packing EVERYTHING you need because we leave in half an hour!" Elijah announced rounding us up like a pack of animals . I rushed up to my room grabbing our plane tickets , fake passports (so we aren't found out) and my bag of course packed ready . Unlike myself Rebekah was completely unorganised I could hear her shouting profanitys as she frantically threw stuff in her suitcase. 

Setting all of our necessities for the airport on the table and my bag by the door . Scrolling through social media whilst I waited for the others Elijah was first , then Nik and finally Rebekah she walked down the stairs panting dragging her case on the verge of explosion . We heard the car from outside Nik and Elijah brought the bags in the car , I grabbed the passports and plane tickets whilst Rebekah grabbed books for us to read on the plane . The car ride was silent it was to awkward to talk whilst the driver was there . 

After arriving at the airport we handed over our bags ready to to be loaded onto our flight after that we took our carry on luggage through to security . Once we had passed through security we grabbed a bite to eat and waited for our flight number to be called . When it was called we handed over our tickets and they checked our passports letting us board our plane finally. 

On the plane they went through all of the safety procedures for what felt like hours but that's probably because it made no difference to us anyway we were immortal Rebekah passed the books along to Elijah, Nik and I whilst she got her phone out turning on a film and putting in her headphones. Elijah teased her for being to codependent on technology considering she was over a thousand years old . 

The plane landed I was rudely awoke by a buzzing sound I checked my phone it was a photo of me and Nik asleep my head on his shoulder his chin resting n my head . "Right come on love birds , we are home ." Elijah laughed shaking Nik awake "are we in New Orleans already ?" Klaus questioned drowsily. We grabbed our bags and made our way to the carousel to grab our main luggage "Kol will be here soon , let's get going." Klaus said grabbing my hand as the others followed us out . 

Five minutes passed, a car pulled up next to us . A tall man with short brown hair and deep nut brown eyes emerged for the car "Nik, Elijah , Rebekah it's been to long how ha- who it this one ? Nik you cheeky basterd did you just somehow forget to mention you where bringing a stunning woman with you , I'm Kol and you are ?" Kol spoke enthusiastically "I'm y/n and I'm not in the slightest bit interested " I answered. Klaus pulled me close to him "she's taken , brother " he said flashing a snarky smile . Kol grabbed our bags and put them in the boot of the car "Jesus who's been twisting your fangs today Nik and y/n relax darling!" Kol shouted  as we all got into the car and drove off. (Sorry I couldn't help myself) 

--time skip to after you had unpacked and chose your room all that jaz k-- 

When I walked down the staircase to see Kol sat with another blonde woman although I could only saw the back of her head I knew it couldn't be Rebekah the hair was to short and was waiver . I walked over and introduced myself to the woman she was slightly shorter than me and her piercing blue eyes stared into my very soul or the small bit that hadn't turned black and rotted from bitterness. "Hi I'm y/n!" I said offering the woman my hand , she shook it politely "I'm Freya, it's really good to meet you klaus has told us so much about you !" She spoke with a smile , I could tell I would like her . 

It had been a good half hour laughing and joking with Kol and Freya before klaus came down , he walked over hugged me from behind and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head . ( omfg that was so cringe and painful to write I sincerely apologise) i then heard Rebekah and Elijah coming down the stairs they came and joined the four of us "soo Rebekah where is this mystery man marcel you've told me so much about?" I poked making Kol and Elijah chuckle. Klaus huffed "ahh yes marcellus " with just a twinge of anger "Nik remember what you promised me !" Rebekah warned making sure be would stay true to his word . Then the doorbell rung . 

Klaus opened it and I could hear some chatter , two people came and sat next next to me a young woman with a bright smile but dark hair and eyes the other was a tall male with short hair and deep brown eyes . "Hi I'm Davina !" She said smile beaming "and I'm Marcell, it's great to meet you " . A wave of realisation hit me "ohh your Rebekahs Marcell!" I put a hand over my mouth I couldn't believe I just said that , Rebekah face palmed and turned red while everyone else laughed . 

The night was great laughing , telling embarrassing story's , alcohol so much alcohol after everything we said goodbye to Marcell and Davina and went separate ways to our respective rooms . As I drifted to sleep I thought of everyone I had met , everything I could see but I also thought of who and what i had left behind. 

Word count- 1206

To be honest I don't really like this chapter but we move okay it was really shitty but take it I'm on writers block , I have no motivation and the lack of detail in the plan for this chapter was appalling. So can you please give me some ideas and tell me what you think of the book it really helps me out  Thanks bye . 

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