Part 11- maybe not

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(Before you read on can I just say thanks so much for 800+ reads) 

After our massive argument things went back to normal, the house had been returned to proper order . All accept klaus he had been walking on eggshells around me like I was a bomb that could explode any second it was nice and all to have him be caring and always by me but it was getting ridiculous. I then had a ingenious idea for us all to go clubbing so I text Marcell and Davina the details and we got all dolled up because Rebekah said " we have to be the best looking ppl at the club !"  she couldn't half be dramatic sometimes. 

About two hours later the boys (klaus , Kol , Elijah and Marcell) were sat in the living room whilst we (Rebekah, you and Freya) were upstairs adding final touches to our makeup . When I walked down stairs the door opened to reveal a stunning Davina "awe you look so good" I said to her , "well what about you?" Klaus smirked at me making blush . Then Freya walked down dragging a Rebekah with her "oh my god would you just look , Freya is dragging around a wild rabid Rebekah." I shouted making everyone burst out laughing "haha very funny , okay let's move I want to be absolutely hammered before 23:00 and its 22:00 so let's go like right now"Rebekah announced practically pushing the lot of us out the door . 

We got to the club and realised we had no reason to be there "no it's fine we get hammered , we dance and then go home." Rebekah started making a game plan "oh really Rebekah I thought we all play pin the tail on the donkey" I remarked sarcastically. Once we were in the club we ended split up marcel and Elijah, Kol and klaus , Rebekah and Freya , me and Davina. For a few hours we all just did our own thing until we ran into Rebekah and freya , which is when we decided that we should find the boys and go home as it was getting in for three am . But when we found them klaus was dancing with some girl , she had brown wavy hair and blue eyes , I was livid just when I thought we were all good I stormed out of the club and ran home . Soon I heard Rebekah "y/n , please tell me you're here!" She shouted I was silent , it was probably a trick to get me to talk to klaus "I'm alone it's okay" she fineshed her sentence. 

I found her down stairs "what happened to the others?" I asked "I left Freya and Davina to get them don't worry Davina is giving klaus a bollocking" she laughed "I can't believe him , we get everything sorted and he does this he such a twat" I tried to contain my anger it wasn't Rebekahs fault . "Speak of the  devil" Rebekah muttered "y/n I'm sorry and I-" klaus began "no there is no excuse anymore you are just a backstabbing twat , you know my brothers were right about you" I shouted not caring everyone was watching "kol is more attractive than you anyway" I added not realising what I just said to klaus . Kol rushed to my side "I was summoned" . 


Word count - 558 

Okay firstly new style of a/n cewl right , sorry it was short this was mostly just a filler for the story and may I just say plot twist . 

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