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robert pov

Kairi looked angry he looked like he was ready to punch someone in the face

I parked in the cafes parking lot and watched as Kairi immediately walked out the car to the cafe I rolled my eyes and rolled down my window


kairi pov

I ordered a Iced Carmel and a hot brownie I sat at a table and placed my head down onto the counter

I watched as Robert came in and ordered whatever and sat with me

"Dude what's up with you is it Mattia again?" I rolled my eyes "It's not him it's some bitch that keeps fucking around with him"

"I thought you didn't want Mattia to be you're boyfriend right now?" I nodded "I know I know but I don't want another bitch on his ass when he has been simping for me"

Robert smirked "So who's the girl?" I rolled my eyes "Esmeralda she's pretty and I hate that and I think there probably together right now"

"What makes you think that?" I looked at Robert and took his hand "Esmeralda said she was going to take him from me, and that bitch fucking told the teacher when I was trying to....talk to Mattia in the bathroom"

Robert laughed "I mean Mattias seems to have more feelings for you so you shouldn't be so worried about if they spend a few seconds together"

"Shut up Robert"

My order number was called and I got up to go get it

robert pov

"oh no..." I like to the side to ice cream parlor across the street

I have seen Mattia and maybe to go to Kairi had been talking about..just now

They look like they were in engage conversation but nothing more happened

Kairi walked back to the seat and smile

"You always order a coffee when we go to cafes" I smiled and looked to the side "Kairi how mad would you be if you saw Mattia and that girl together right now"

"Very" Kairi said as he began sipping on his frappe

"Um well..." I pointed to the ice cream shop and immediately saw the rage in Kairi's eyes

"HELL NO" Kairi grabbed his things and walked to my car I sighed as I opened the car door and watched as he placed his stuff down

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the ice cream place

I sighed

This isn't going to be good

mattia pov

I look to the side and watch the Kairi and Robert into the ice cream parlor Kairi looked angry as he dragged Robert into the store

But he walked right past us and to the register

robert pov

I whispered to Kairi making sure Mattia wouldn't notice "Uh I thought you were going to confront him" Kairi glared me in the eyes and ordered a strawberry ice cream cone and ordered me a vanilla cone

I sighed as I heard Mattia call Kairi's name

"Kai?" Kairi acted like he didn't hear the boy and took the cones

esmeralda pov

I had finally had my time in with Mattia I even made up a fake story of my stepdad and that idiot had to fucking ruin it

I turned and watched the boy that had kissed Kairi he had been with another guy

"Kairi hello?" Kairi finally turned around and walked over to our table "Sorry didn't hear you what is it?"

He seemed to have had an attitude I watched Mattia's face change

"What the hell..I just wanted to say hey" Kairi slowly frowned and sighed "Sorry..Im just not in the mood" Kairi walked out the ice cream place and he looked kinda sad

The guy he was with sighed and walked after him

"The hells wrong with him" Mattia didn't like the way I worded that he looked displeased "Kairi is just going thru some stuff"

"Ha what could he possibly be going thru that's so bad that kid has a smile on his face 24/7 and the way he kisses you makes it seem like he has no issues in the world"

mattia pov

That's what I hated about it Esmeralda I want to feel bad for her sometimes but she would do these things that would make me easily mad

Manly when they had Kairi in the convo

"Kairi's dad died and he was a abusive mother fucking asshole if you look at his back he has fading bruises and scars that will never go away...even burns...just because he acts like he doesn't give a damn about anything he does Esmeralda"

I saw her face sadden

"I'm so..sorry I didn't know" I smiled "It's fine let's just talk about you're step dad right now"

esmeralda pov

Like if I give a fuck what he was going through his father should of fucking killed him for all I care

His disgusting ass probably liked it

He's probably faking it and drawing bruises on his back or sum ha what a lowlife

"Mattia how do you feel about me?" Mattia stopped and looked at me and slightly turned a small tint of pink "Huh?"

"My stepdad would always tell me that I was a disgusting person..what do you think about me?" Mattia smiled and laughed

"Please don't believe what that dude says you're not disgusting Esmeralda"

I smiled I loved manipulating him into making me feel nice

It was something I was going to use to my advantage

sooner or later he ain't going to give a fuck about Kairi

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