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"You ready for round 2?"

"Take a break at least Jesus...can we do this inside?" Kairi looked out the window "My mom she's sleeping I can't"
Mattia smiled "Then how about we watch a movie or something we don't have to just have sex you know"

"Alright but don't you have to go home soon what if your parents find out?" Mattia sighed "They don't care about me like that to check up on me at the night time they probably thing I'm long asleep right now"

Kairi frowned and grabbed his clothing putting it on as he watched Mattia's attitude slowly change

"What's wrong why do you look at me like that?" Kairi looked down as he began to tie his sweat pants knot "Well..I don't know you seem so detached for your parents..do they not show you love?" Mattia chuckled "Nah they show me enough love it's just it's very rare to see it..they want me to be this special child like my cousins and nephews but they don't understand that I'm not them"

"Hey...it's okay don't stress I appreciate you a lot and plus your parents love you deep down they do they just want the best for you" Mattia smiled and placed a kiss on Kairi's forehead "Thank you Kairi"

Mattia opened the door and kept it open for Kairi to be able to walk out

Right when Kairi had gotten out the car the boy had stubble to the floor

Mattia laughed and picked up the boy princess style to the front door making sure to lock the car doors

"Didn't think I effected you that hard" Kairi rolled his eyes "Well we were in a damn car"

The boys giggled and Mattia had opened the door still holding Kairi

Mattia quietly walked Kairi into his room successfully

"You know you can put me down now" Mattia smiled and playfully threw Kairi onto the bed "So about this round 2 you were talking about" Kairi smiled and pushed Mattia playfully

Mattia smiled and grabbed the remote controller he went onto Netflix as the boys slowly decided what they wanted to watch

"Come on let's just watch a comedy" Kairi crossed his arms "Stop being such a pussy I want to watch a horror movie" Mattia sighed "Fine fine horror movie it is"

"Bet alright I wanna watch unfriended Mattia smirked "Don't be a pussy when a jumps-scare pops up"

It had been 51 mins into the movie and Kairi was already shaken up by the first couples deaths that had occurred

"Told you, we should of just watched a comedy" Kairi rolled his eyes "I mean come on it's not even that scary the kid put his hand in the blender then his chin and bomb he dead" Kairi laughed "It's still scary to watch you idiot"

Kairi had grabbed his led remote control lights and changed the color to purple

Mattia snatched the remote from Kairi and smirked

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