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Kairi sighed it was raining hard outside and Mattia had been annoying him the whole way about what happened in the classroom

"Admit it Kairi you liked it" Kairi rolled his eyes "Mattia leave me alone!" Mattia grabbed Kairi's hand "Stay with me I'll drive you home okay" Kairi sighed and nodded he didn't feel like walking thru the rain

Kairi and Mattia walked to car

"Wanna get fucked in the back seat" Kairi rolled his eyes "I most definitely do not" Mattia laughed and put his hand on Kairi's thigh "Kairi come on it would be fun"

"As if Mattia" Kairi crossed his arms and took out his phone as it began to vibrate

Kairi I'm going to beat your ass how dare you get detention you better not come home tonight Kairi I swear I'm going to smack you with a brick
Read at 4:56 pm

"Mattia...take me to your house" Mattia's  eyes widened "Uh yeah sure" Mattia made a turn to his house "What made you want to-"

"I want you to rail me in your room Mattia I want the whole neighborhood to hear now hurry up and get to your house" Mattia was dumbfounded "Kairi-"
Mattia had no words so he just continued driving

Time Skip

Mattia walked into this house Kairi walking in behind

"You have a beautiful house" Mattia smiled "Glad you like it wanna get something to eat from the kitchen" Kairi smiled "No I'm not hungry"

"Good" Mattia picked up Kairi and walked him to his room

"MATTIA PUT ME DOWN" Mattia smirked "All that shit you was talking in the car about how you wanted me to rail you" Kairi laughed "Mattia if you don't put me down this instant"

"Kairi wait till we get into the bedroom at least" Mattia opened the bedroom door and placed the boy on the bed "Kairi before I do anything don't think I'll go easy on you"

Kairi was just bluffing in the car he just wanted an excuse to get to Mattia's house

But as he started to think to himself he kinda laughed at the fact that he actually wanted to get railed

"You better not hurt me badly" Mattia smiled and grabbed Kairi pulling him taking of his beanie and pulling him by the hair "It's no fun if there's no pain" Mattia placed his lips onto Kairi's it was a passionate kiss at first but then Kairi went into it by sticking his tongue into Mattia's mouth

Mattia detached the kiss and looked at Kairi then he noticed the large cut on Kairi's forehead

"Kairi what the fuck?" Kairi didn't know why Mattia was/seemed concerned then he remembered the cut he had on his head

"No it's not what it looks like my mirror just..just fell on my head yesterday and it sliced my skin it's okay I promise" Mattia grabbed Kairi by the throat "Kairi..are you lying to me?"

"NO MATTIA NO" Mattia smiled and let go of the boy  "You clumsy bitch" Kairi reminded himself of the bruises and cuts on his body
"Mattia can we just cuddle...I don't think I'm ready" Mattia raised a brow "You were just sticking your tongue down my throat" Kairi sighed "Yea I'm kinda new to this that's all"

"Aww you scared" Kairi crossed his arms "Mattia if I wanted to I'd just give you head and go to sleep" Mattia laughed "Your sleeping over?" Kairi nodded and turned to Mattia

"You know..my body might not be ready but my mouth is ready" Mattia's eyes widened "You wanna give me...head?"

Short n Sweet🥂
What y'all think should Kairi give him 🧠

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