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1 week later..

Mattia had gotten over the fact Kairi had killed his father he understood the pain that Kairi was feeling and the man was dangerous to him and Kairi's family


Mattia's parents were outraged at the school telling them that Mattia had been suspended

Mattia had his phone taken away and even his advantage to go outside

Mattia's Mom
"Mattia what do you not understand you messed up I can't believe you would do that to a poor boy" Mattia's father laughed "I see no issue with what he had done" Mattia rolled his eyes knowing his dad was homophobic "Mom I talked to him I even took care of him at the hospital"

Mattia's Dad
"Maria I say just left the boy off the hook Mattia didn't even do much" Mattia's mother rolled her eyes "We have a different point of view then" Mattia stared at the floor day dreaming about Kairi

Mattia's Mom
"Mattia? MATTIA are you even listening?" Mattia lost his train of thought and stared blankly at his mother "Mom I'm going to bed I'll see you guys in the morning" Mattia walked upstairs to his room passing his parents room having a great idea

He slowly walked into his parents room and began looking around for his phone

He had found it on top of the large drawers in his parents room

He walked back out into his room rushing to get the door locked

He had missed messages from everyone

Alejandro (44 messages)
Robert (56 messages)
Roshaun (42 messages)

He didn't care tho he immediately went to the contact he knew he needed to call

Hey Kairi how you feeling?

I'm ok..wait your parents gave you your phone back?

You have changed Kairi😒's name to

Yea...No I took it from there room I just really wanted to talk to you

Smh..what if they find out?

It's worth it..I wanna see you Kairi

Come over then😌

Sure I'm coming

Um it's a joke you know that right?

Already getting changed it's to late

Read at 1:32 am

Mattia opened his door to find all the lights of the house off

He closed the door and opened his window he grabbed his keys and drove over to Kairi's house

Meanwhile Kairi had laughed at the thought of Mattia coming over he didn't think the boy was seriously coming

But he slowly realize who he was talking too so of course Mattia was coming

Kairi walked over to his moms room to find her peacefully sleeping

Kairi had felt horrible about what he had done to his father he knew deep down his mother missed him

And he slowly regretted what he had done


Kairi had gotten home with his mother

His mother was comfortable staying in the house now that Kairi's father was no longer there but Kairi would catch his mother drinking and crying in her room from time to time

Kairi would watch his mother break down and become a mess

Kairi even had to give her some Advil's to help her headaches calm down from time to time

Since Kairi was scared of being home alone he would call over Alvaro and Alejandro even tho those two would flirt the entire time

However Alejandro had introduced a friend of his to Kairi his name was Roshaun he was funny and helped Kairi "cope" with the loss of his father

And Robert well he was the one that helped Kairi the most

But when Kairi had to be alone for his first day it broke him terribly

"I should be happy he's not even here anymore and I'm still scared..it's not like he can come back from the dead and beat me" Kairi let tears run down his face "I'm not free this isn't what I wanted..."

Kairi grabbed a sharp knife from one of his cabinets in the kitchen and began giving himself little cuts on his arm

Kairi even grabbed a belt and started hitting himself on his thigh trying to get the thought of his father beating him

Kairi was leaned against a wall crying with his arm bloody and thigh purple and red

Kairi walked over and grabbed a bottle of his fathers alcohol and drank it to calm down

He slowly understood why his father began using alcohol to "help"

~end of flashback~

Kairi closed the door to his mother's room and walked back to his own grabbing his pillow and letting out a silent cry trying to let out all his tears before Mattia had gotten home

Kairi let himself shiver due to the coldness in his room

It was late December and snow was soon from coming down from the sky at any moment

Kairi was crying so much he had to cover his mouth to make sure his mother wouldn't be able to hear the pain the boy was in

Kairi felt the vibration of his phone he turned to see the notification of iMessage

Mattia🙄❤️- Kairi I'm here
910 words

Just for the people asking yes Kairi is bipolar

And his mother suffers from depression

So just so you can understand the tittle (issues) I do not use the word issues as a hateful message towards what they have the word issues is used for the relationship Mattia and Kairi have

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