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Kairi walked home he was in tears he didn't know how to feel

He felt happy bursting with love when Mattia had kissed his bruised forehead it was something his mother used to do but now she barley has time for him

But he wanted to hurt Mattia for what he did to him..

Kairi got the keys to his front door out of his book bag and walked to his door

His dad was knocked out on to couch

Kairi walked to the house phone and put the phone on mute

He slowly walked up stairs and placed the home on his counter he walked back down stairs and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water

His throat felt dry and he was starving from not getting anything all morning

He grabbed a apple and ate right into it trying to find the littlest things to eat

Kairi's Dad
"Kairi...your home early" Kairi shivered "Hey dad...how was your day.." Kairi's dad smiled "Good I haven't drank..I've been trying to hold back" Kairi's eyes widened "Oh..your gonna stop?" Kairi's dad nodded "It would be best...I can't keep hurting you...on accident"

Kairi nodded

"Dad I need to tell you something but please please don't get mad please let me be happy about this" Kairi's dad eyes narrowed "Ok come sit"

Kairi walked over to the empty space and sat down he grabbed his dads hands holding them tight

Kairi smiled lightly thinking of all the outcomes that could take place

Maybe I'll get hit

Maybe he will disown me

Maybe he'll kill me and leave me to rot here

Kairi almost died once...


A third time almost...

"Dad I'm gay..." Kairi's dad stared into Kairi's eyes he saw the pain in the boy and how scared he was to even talk to his own father on a one on one conversation

Kairi's Dad smiled and hugged Kairi he pulled the boy close and tight

Kairi's Dad
"Kairi I support you...I'm here for you.. Kairi I'm so fucking sorry" Kairi smiled and hugged his father back

Kairi's (Thoughts)
"This feels better...this feels like I'm actually being loved again"

Kairi's Dad
"When did you find out?" Kairi sighed and let go of the hug "A few years ago I just didn't want to accept it but somebody just made me figure out that maybe this is what I want" Kairi's dad raised a brow "You had sex?"

"Woah woah no I haven't" Kairi's dad laughed "So who's the boy?" Kairi sighed "I don't wanna talk about it..."

Kairi's Dad nodded

Kairi's Dad
"Whoever the boy his who helped you find out you should talk to them...or do they not feel the same" Kairi smiled and chuckled "Oh they feel the same way..but I don't think he's the one" Kairi's dad smiled "Kairi this is your moment I won't give my in-tell but I'd say that he's the one if he helped you"

Kairi paused and looked down yeah I guess

A knock was heard at the door Kairi got up and walked over to the door it was the boy he had been regretting to talk to Mattia

End of chapter 1
(612) Words

Small chapter this was meant for Kairi and his Father so you guys can understand the relationship

Kairi's father does not hate Kairi he truly loves him but let's alcohol get the best of him he has bipolar disorder and anger issues just like Kairi something he can barley control when drunk but something that he can deal with when sober

So yeah Kairi's dad loves Kairi

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