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Kairi and Mattia sat together in bed they talked for hours about the situation Mattia had caused at school

Kairi even told Mattia a few personal things like about his mother and father and the bruises

Mattia hated Kairi's father already by the mention of his name Mattia was already heated

"My father just goes thru a lot and I'm like his little punching back to lose a that anger that's inside of him" Mattia sighed and put his head on Kairi's shoulder "Why don't you just leave?" Kairi sighed "I have no where to go and I can't do that to him he will probably end up overdosed"

"Kairi but you are getting hit with sticks and wires even fucking glass shards I saw your back it was covered in purple and red marks" Kairi rolled his eyes "It is what it is"

Mattia sighed

"Let's just change the subject...did you get in trouble for you know saying what you said to the class?" Mattia smirked "A two week suspension" Kairi let out a small giggle "That's what you get you fucker"

"Kairi what are we..? Like are we friends"

"You tell me I mean we just fucked.. friends don't do that" Mattia got up and looked down at Kairi "Kairi I don't know maybe we are something more" Kairi laughed "Mattia we met like 2 weeks ago I think we should calm it down..you know"

"As long as I'm yours and your mine I don't really care" Kairi giggled and walked downstairs to his kitchen grabbing a snack for him and Mattia

A loud ring tone indicating somebody was calling played on Kairi's phone

It was on the floor because of the interaction he Mattia had

It was his mother calling

"Hey ma what's- oh dad left the house a while ago I don't know where he went HE SPENT WHAT....where is he? Ok got it"

Kairi ran up to his room

"MATTIA GET UP NOW!" Kairi grabbed his car keys and ran to his car

"Kairi what the fuck are you-" Kairi immediately started the car and began to drive "MY FATHER JUST SPENT 20,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF LIQOUR" Mattia's eyes widened and he looked to see a shaken up Kairi

In both ways Kairi was very shaken up one due to the intense scene he and Mattia had and the phone call he had just got from his mother

"Matt-ia" Kairi was dizzy trying to keep focus on the way he was driving

Mattia looked out the window to see that Kairi parked outside a parking lot of a liquor store

Kairi slammed the car door behind him as he walked out his car he looked around for his father but the man was no where to be found

Kairi walked around the building and even walked inside asking if they knew where the man that had bought a 20,000 worth of  liquor went

"SIR!" The man at the register gave Kairi a starve look "Hey kid I can't give you liquor so you better go to another-"

Man At Register
"Uh he went out that way he probably is across the parking lot street or farther by now" Kairi ran out the gas station and Mattia finally decided to get out the car

"KAIRI WAIT" Kairi ran to the nearest figure he saw across the street and fortunately it was his father

"DAD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Kairi's father turned around and began to laugh "Ka-Kairi my baby I've been looking for you ever-every-everywhere" Kairi slapped his father leaving a red mark on the mans face "DO YOU RELEASE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE! YOU SINGLE HANDLY PUT OUR FAMILY IN DEBT"

Kairi's father grabbed one of his empty liquor bottles and slapped Kairi with it on the boys head

Kairi immediately feel to the floor feeling dizzy from the impact

Mattia quickly ran up to Kairi's father and punched the man causing the side of the mans gums to begin to bleed

"KAIRI ARE YOU OKAY?" Kairi nodded as blood began to leak down from his forehead "I-I'm okay"

Kairi's Dad smacked Mattia over the head with two bottles that happened to be placed by his side

Kairi watched as Mattia fell to the ground and being knocked unconscious

Kairi's Father grabbed Kairi by the chin

Kairi's Father
"Le-let's go we are leaving" Kairi tried his best to remove himself from his fathers grip

"LET GO OF ME" Kairi's father smirked and grabbed Mattia "Fine then I'll take your little friend with me" Kairi tried to get up and protect the boy he had been trying to hate "LET GO OF HIM"

Kairi's father began dragging Mattia's body to the street while Kairi crawled to his father with all the strength he had

Kairi watched as his father had no remorse

Kairi's Father
"Come get him KAIRI COME GET HIM YOU FUCKING WEAK BITCH" Kairi ran up getting all the strength he had and ran to his father and Mattia

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" Kairi punched his father leaving the man on his knees he dragged Mattia away from the street

A car coming speeding towards the two

Mattia slowly began to gain consciousness as he watch Kairi yell and begin to kick his father

"FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" Mattia watched as Kairi let all his anger out on his father "KAIRI"

Kairi turned as he watched a cars head lights get closer and closer but it was to late

The car hit into Kairi and his father causing the two to immediately to hit the floor Mattia watched as Kairi's body went limp

980 words

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