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Kairi looked at his lifeless father he walked back to the couch and placed the pillow he had taken back where it was found

He walked back to his lifeless father a kissed the top of his forehead

He began to slowly walk out of the room locking the door behind him the nurse was no where to be found

Kairi walked back to his room his legs shaking due to what he had just done

He turned the knob of his door and walked into the room

He turned to find a still sleeping Mattia

Kairi smiles and walks over to Mattia not wanting to disturb him just wanting to inspect his beautiful features

Kairi looked at Mattia's face it had a pink tint like as if he had been crying

His hair looked fluffy and his lips plump

Kairi sighed and walked back to his bed he turned as he felt a hand grab his and intertwine

"Kairi" Kairi turns around to see a half asleep half awake Mattia "Hey Matt" Mattia jumps up and hugs Kairi having the boy in tears

"Mattia I'm sorry" Mattia raised a brow looking at Kairi "What are you sorry for" Kairi looks away and begins tearing up "For what my dad did to you..is your head ok?" Mattia rolled his eyes "Kairi I've been thru worse it's fine"

Mattia watched as a nurse came into the room she had a tray of food for the boys

Nurse Sam
"Hey loves I heard Kairi had awaken so I decided he was going to need some food due to the amount of time he had been knocked out" Kairi walks over to the tray and picks up the water

"Can I have 3 more water bottles my mouth is very dry and I can barley inhale"
The nurse smiled and nodded "Do you have any requests for your father" Kairi stood frozen "What.."

Nurse Sam
"Any food request like anything he would enjoy to eat we have fruits, sandwiches, yogurts" Kairi knew his father was dead he didn't know what a dead man would want to eat so why should he even answer at all

"Anything I believe he would enjoy whatever you give him" The nurse smiled and walked out of the room

Kairi thought to himself he didn't know if he should tell Mattia that he had killed his father or just stay quiet

"Mattia can we tal-" a nurse came rushing into the room "Kairi love I'm sorry we need to talk about your father"

Kairi's eyes widened he knew what was coming

"Your fathers dead has passed"

He turned to Mattia trying his hardest not to break a smile

"Mattia I'm going to need a minute" Mattia nodded and walked out the door closeting the door behind him

Kairi let fake tears roll down his face as the doctor comforted the boy

Mattia walked back into the room holding Kairi up

Mattia knew deep down something was up 12 hours ago Kairi was just stomping on his father and now he's crying?

"Nurse can I have some time with Mattia" The nurse nodded and walked out the room "Kairi why are you cry-" Kairi let out a loud sigh "I killed him Mattia"

Mattia's eyes widened

"Kairi no you didn't all you did was stomp on him it was probably his lungs that gave out due to the alcho-" Kairi shushed Mattia "No Mattia I killed him...I went into his room and suffocated him with a pillow" Mattia was in shock he looked at Kairi straight in the eye he knew the boy wasn't lying

"Mattia please don't tell anyone okay..I needed this I needed to be free" A woman walked into the room one Mattia was not familiar of but Kairi was "MOM" Kairi ran to his mother and his mother running to him "Oh my baby I was worried I was so worried are you hurt what the hell has he done"

Kairi's Mother placed kisses all over Kairi's face

Kairi's Mom
"And who's this love?" Mattia smiled trying to shake the thoughts that was running thru his head away "Hey I'm Mattia I'm Kairis..friend"

Kairi's Mother smiles and hugs Mattia

"Thank you for being here"

"Mom did they tell you..." His mother raises a brow "Tell me what" Mattia looked down as Kairi spoke up getting ready to fake his tears "Mom...he's dead" Kairi's mom stares blankly at her son "He's gone? You mean he's..." Kairi's mother began to shake a smile slowly appeared on her face "Kairi don't joke with me please"

Mattia's eyes widened

He never knew the impact that Kairi's father had on the family and it showed at this moment

Kairi's Mother
"Kairi I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be this happy right now...Kairi baby I'm going to work extra now that your dad is...you know but trust me I'll still be checking up on you..." Kairi let a small smile creep from his face "I'm free"
Sorry I wrote this while I was sitting down in Manhattan 😪 family thingz

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