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kairi pov

I rushed into Mattia's house and walked upstairs I smiled Mattia was still asleep I walked into his room and fixed up his bed

I grabbed Esmeraldas belongings and put them in a garbage bag and walked to the nearest garbage disposal and threw it out

Running back to Mattia's house I feel a vibration on my thighs I looked and it was Esmeraldas phone

Step Dad 🙄

Esmeralda I don't care just go you finally found a place to live and you decide to leave have fun in the real world
read at 5:12

I began running agian and I walked up to Mattia's house I walked in and walked up stairs I opened the door to Mattia's parents room and he was still asleep I laughed and removed my pants and left Esmeraldas phone in them

After that I placed myself onto the bed and slept I was tired and all I felt was Mattia's hands rap around my waist I look at him but his eyes were closed I think to myself

Is he awake..

Was he awake this intire time...

But I hear his breathes loud yet soft feeling breathing on my neck and I feel satisfied I closed my eyes and had fallen back to sleep

-time skip-

Mattia pov

It was 7:00 and I woke up I had a strange taste in my mouth, my mouth was dry and my body felt heavy I got up and the heavy feeling went away

I looked at Kairi and he had been asleep he looked beautiful I smirked and placed a kiss onto Kairis head

Looking around I found my phone and looked at messages

Esmeralda (1)

I raised a brow and looked at the message

It was a voice message

Hey Mattia...I-I won't be goi-going back to your house anymore I told your mom and dad you won't see me for a while or maybe ever because Im willing to live on my own I'll text you any updates or stuff

I send back a message saying

No problem Esmeralda I hope you have a great life living out like this if anything text my parents they will help you out

I walked over to my room and saw that Esmeraldas clothes had been gone the bed was fixed and she wasn't there

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and getting ready for my day

- long time skip -

kairi pov

I woke up and Mattia was gone I shook my head and had gotten out of bed I opened the door and I didn't wanna scream out loud for my Mattia's name what if he had guest or something too embarrassing

I walked into Mattia's room but he wasn't there I looked at a counter he had near his bed there was a lamp and two pictures of him as a child

One with his parents and one where he looked like he was trying to eat pudding but failed because of how much was on his face

I picked up the image and smiled it was adorable

"Hey nosy bitch your up" I accidentally dropped the frame with the picture causing the glass to brake

"Oh shit I'm sorry you scared me" Mattia laughed and helped me pick up th glass "It's alright my bad I just heard you from downstairs"

I smiled and put the frame back onto the counter while Mattia's threw the glass out in the garbage can by the door

"You sleep a lot you know" I didn't know what to say I shrugged and smiled
"I was just tired from last night all that fucking we did you know"

Mattia blushed and looked away

"I made you breakfast but it's already 2 in the afternoon I can order us a pizza if you want" I nodded and smiled

"Yeah sure"

I walked out of Mattia's room and walked to the bathroom "Hey Matt to you have a spare toothbrush"

"Take the red one it's mine"

I smiled and placed the paste onto the brush I brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror

Do I even look like someone that would kill someone...

What if someone finds out
Should I say it was a accident...

I laughed

Accident haha yeah hitting her upon the head repeatedly isn't much of a.. accident

I wonder if Mattia would still like me if he knew

I spit the paste out of my mouth and washed the brush

I opened the door
Mattia had been down stairs ordering the pizza over the phone

I hugged him from behind and had placed my head on his back

Mattia's voice had gotten shaken when he talked but he placed the order and after he hung up he picked me up and placed me onto the couch kissing my forehead

"Kai I know you killed Esmeralda"


"I said I didn't know if you liked cheese or pepperoni so I got both?"

"Oh.. I like either or it doesn't matter"

"What did you think I said?" I placed my hand on Mattia's face "Nothing"

I smiled and kissed Mattia just embracing what I had won

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