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kairi pov

It was Saturday morning and I was still getting ready to go to Mattia's house I still didn't know my feelings towards the message he had texted me

I felt betrayed by Esmeralda but I said I never even trusted her in the first place I even left because I thought that it would be better for me

I don't even know what I'm gonna do I just wanna go out with Mattia 's just so I can get my mind off of it

Im feel like I lost I wonder if he liked to kiss I mean if you like the case you would've told me right?

I sigh and try and pick out an outfit

I didn't know I wanted to look good I wanna look cute sexy casual too much is going thru my head

I went into my moms room she still hadn't been home because she was still at work

I like to the side and see her clothing I open the drawer and look around for anything that I find to the liking surprisingly me and my mom almost have the same body shape

My thighs are actually pretty large

And I do have a hint of a hourglass figure like she does

I looked and saw a beautiful Long sleeve black dress cut off and didn't even reach my knees

I'll look inside her shoe closet and see high heeled boots and they were black so they fit the type of theme that I was going for

I messaged Mattia and I had told him about what I would be wearing

I told him if he could wear black so we can look cute together and he was totally fine with it

I decided on taking him to a restaurant because I wanted to talk about the situation but I didn't know how to talk about it in a way where it doesn't make me seem jealous or anything like that

The one thing that was going on in the back of my head was hurting I was Esmeralda

It was going crazy and I just didn't know what I wanted to do

I know I was going to go to far even if I get close to her in for a second

Why did it matter?

She doesn't matter to me so it shouldn't fucking matter I should've fucking care what I do to her

She doesn't matter to me only Mattia

I look to the side and see the reflection of my father I rolled my eyes and look back

It was him but I know it was just in my head

He's been in my head ever since I killed him I finally excepted the fact that I was a murderer because before I just said it was my key to freedom it was something that had to be done

but now I'm just a murderer walking free with no consequences

"Mmh jealous of a girl are we" I sigh and nodded my head

"You're probably gonna kill the bitch like you did to me just because you didn't get what you wanted"

"I killed you because you abuse me you made me think that pain was something good something that I should fine satisfying I even told Mattia to hurt me once he must of thought that I was fucking crazy"

"I wouldn't really disagree with him
I mean you're the one talking to a figure of your imagination right now I'm not even here"

I took the dress and boots and walked to my room I didn't really know what to do with my hair so I decided to just comb it down and straighten it up

I put on my clothes and decided to just go on with my day I looked in the mirror and seen my mother as my reflection

Many people tell me I look like her

Me wearing this dress kinda proves there points I sat on my bed and sighed my father walked into my room I sighed and rolled my eyes

"You look exactly like her" I shrugged "Is that why you would hit me so much was it because you didn't wanna hurt her so you hurt me?" My father shook his head "Kai you killed me that's the most pain I've ever felt"

"shut up"

I threw my shoe at my the figure of my father all it did was hit the wall

I grab my shoe and put it in my closet taking my mother's boots

Hey I'm here


I took some lip gloss and sighed I placed it in my lips and looked at myself once more

Then I saw a figure of Mattia behind me and I smiled

"I'll protect you Mattia I promise"

I walk to the front door and open the door and watch as Mattia looks at me in shock

"Woah you look..." I blush and smiled "You do to" I kissed Mattia's cheek and walked to his car

Mattia pov

I look at Kairi and my eyes trail down his body his figure in the beautiful body con dress causes me to blush

I wanted to remove his clothing right there as he was walking over to my car

He looked back at me and smirked

"Are you just gonna keep looking at my ass or are you coming?"

I shook the nasty thoughts out of my head and opened the car door for Kairi

I walked to the other side of the car and smiled

"Hey Mattia can I stay at you're house tonight my moms not coming home today and I don't really like staying alone"

"Yeah of course"

I smiled and gave Mattia the address to the restaurant that I wanted to take him to

He smiled and began driving the car

I looked into the purse I had and put my phone back into my purse

"So how's Esmeralda"

"She's doing better I guess she's not talking much she seems off"

I smiled and looked at Mattia as he looked at the road

Maybe the bitch finally got the hint

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