5 (Promises)

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Anna's POV 

"It’s okay oppa. You don’t need to carry me. I will try standing up." I can't let Sehun carry me.

"You will just hurt yourself more. Remember what doctor said? It will take more time to heal if you don’t take proper rest. And I thought you said you don’t wanna waste time, huh?"

I swear I saw Sehun smirking over his shoulder.

Okay time to surrender.

I wrapped my hands around Sehun's shoulders and left my weight on his back. He then carefully stood up and lifted me by holding my legs with his both hands each side.

"Hold on tight. Otherwise you will fall down." I really didn’t want to fall again in one day. So I almost immediately tightened my arms around his shoulder.

He softly chuckled and I blushed. But it’s a relief that he couldn’t see me blushing this time.

Sehun started walking to my room. And I felt my heart beating crazily fast with every step he took.

Yah! Slow down you idiot heart! Do you have death wish or what?!

I was afraid he heard my heart beating this fast. Cuase I was so close with him!

After reaching to bed he carefully sat on the bed and released me. I unconsciously left a relived sigh that I didn’t know I was holding this whole time.

"You were scared, right?" Sehun heard me sighing and asked me with a smile.

Of course I was scared. That was my first time duh! Yes no one ever gave me piggyback ride before. And guess what?! My first piggyback ride is OH SEHUN! Wow! I am really lucky.

But I can't tell these to him. So I just smiled and said "Yeah a little."

"It’s okay, you can believe me with that" That smile is still on his face.

Yes I will. I thought but didn’t tell anything, just nodded a little.

"Oh.. I forgot again. Here, take your phone." He took my phone out from him pocket and gave it to me.

"You dropped it when you collapsed. Manager hyung took it from there."

"Ohh I totally forgot about my phone. Thanks oppa." How can I forgot about my phone? Aagghh I am so stupid!

"It’s okay. So, you take rest now. I will be going then." he turned to leave.

But I wasn’t ready to let him leave.

"Um..Oppa?" He turned around to hear me out.

"Yes?" I didn’t know what to say. I just wanted to stop him from leaving. I thought for a few seconds and an idea came to my mind.

"Can I take a photo with you?" Actually I wanted that also. At least I need something as a prove of this moment, right? No, not for others. For me actually. Cause I am quite sure, after waking up tomorrow morning I will doubt that these all were a dream! So yes! I need something as prove.

"Why not." Sehun gave me soft smile and walked towards the bed again.

After he settled down beside me I took my phone and tapped the camera icon. I was about to call Eva for take the photo but he suddenly grabbed the phone from my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking the photo. What else?" He laughed a little and stretched his hand to take a selfie.

Of course he is taking a selfie. What else will he do on my phone?! Stupid me! Stupid question! I mentally sighed and looked at the camera.

He took some selfies and returned my phone.

"Okay then. I will be going. Bye."

I just nodded and whispered a bye. This time I have no more excuses.

Sehun's POV 

I turned to leave again. But I wanted to find something to stay few more minutes.

"Anna" I turned again to face her.

"Yes oppa?" Her face lightened up a little when I called her name.

"Make sure to take bed rest for a week. Don’t go anywhere untill you are completely fine."

"But oppa..." She stopped for a moment and then continued "I can't take that long rest. Exo fan meeting is in 3 days. I have to go there. No matter what." she said the last 3 words confidently.

"And why that?" I know I heard like an idiot cause of course she wanted to see us but I just wanted to ask her directly.

She looked at me with a shocking face. But then replied calmly "I want to see all of you in person."

"Or maybe want to see Chanyeol hyung." I thought myself and after a second I realized I thought it loud. Why did I have to say that?

Anna opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "That's it? You just wanna meet all of us, right?"

"Um...yeah. I came to Korea only for Exo. So I can't miss the fan meeting, oppa."

"I will help you meet with them. But you have to promise that you will take the bed rest for 1 week." I don’t know why I said that. But I didn’t want her to hurt again.

"Wh...what? Bu...but how?" Her eyes widened after hearing me.

"I will take care of it. You just take rest and get well. Don’t go anywhere in this stage. Oh and give me your phone number. I will contact you when I will arrange it." I said it while giving her my phone.

"Ok...okay." I think she was so much excited. That's why she stuttered. Cute. She saved her number and gave the phone back.

"Oppa, you promised, right? I won't go anywhere. I promise. But you have to help me too."

"Okay I promise I will help you to meet them." I reassured her with a smile.

"Okay, bye then."

"Bye, oppa." She waved a little.

This time I can leave. Cause now I have a reason to come back.

Anna's POV

Later that night

"What?! He promised you?!" Eva was jumping on the bed and clapping her hands continuously.

"Yah! Are you a kid? Calm down!" I smiled at her. "Now sleep, Eva."

"Yup. Good night bestie."

"Good night."

I turned the table lamp off. And laid down to sleep. I took my phone and stared at the lock screen wallpaper.

Now it’s the selfie Sehun took with me earlier today. I changed it. Cause I need to check this immediately when I will wake up tomorrow.

I kept staring at him.

You better keep your promise okay? I will keep mine also.

I went to my dreamland saying the last few words to him.

Hope you won't forget our promises..

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