10 (Hurt)

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Author's POV

Anna quickly grabbed her own phone  and logged in to 'Erii_0505', her fan-girling account. Her newsfeed was full with the their photos. Good thing that Anna was wearing a mask yesterday, that's why no one could recognise her.

The photo was from the mall. They were choosing a t-shirt for Sehun when someone took the picture. Sehun was also wearing a mask but didn’t wear a hat. And of course fans can recognise him with his mask on.

Anna kept scrolling down. There were both bad and good comments. But Anna eyes were drifting only to the bad comments.
'Who is this bitch? Why is Sehun oppa with her??'

'Go back to the hell where you came from you whore.'

'How dare you to lay finger on our Oh Sehun? You bitch.'

'What are you doing with a slut, Sehun oppa??'
And many more like that. There were also many fans who were supporting Sehun. But Anna automatically just read the negative comments. And was already crying.

"Yah! Don’t read those comments." Eva took away Anna's phone from her hand and shouted.

Anna was already a crying mess. But she wasn’t crying for that fans are calling her names. But she was crying for Sehun. Cause she knew very well that it will cost a lot for Sehun. These fans won't stop that easily. They will try to disband Sehun beacuse of this. Yes it won't be possible but it will leave a scar for sure. And that's what Anna was afraid of.

"E-Eva, yo-you know the fans ri-right? They won't drop it th-that easily. It will hu-hurt him." Anna said between her sob.

"It’s okay Anna. There are also a lots of fans who are supporting him. So don’t worry." Eva tried to calm Anna.

"No. It’s-it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t ha-have being clo-close to him. It all happened be-because of me." She kept crying and Eva kept comforting her.
After sometimes Anna was still crying when her phone rang. Sehun was calling her.

Anna was staring at her phone like it was a ghost or something. She was afraid to receive that call right now.

"Anna just take it. Talk with him." Eva told her friend.

After taking a deep breathe and controlling her sob Anna received the call.

"Hello." Anna tried to sound normal as much as she could.

"Anna." There was a silence after that. After a long minute he continued. "Where are you now?"

"At my apartment, why?" Anna replied.

"I will be there in 10 minutes. Is it okay for you?" Sehun said startling Anna. She wasn’t expecting Sehun here.

"Of course. It’s totally okay." Anna felt a little better knowing that Sehun will be here soon. She needed his presence now.

After that Sehun cut it short and end the call.

"He is coming here, Eva." Anna said looking at her friend.

"Okay that's good. I think you both need some time alone. I will go now then. Don’t cry anymore, okay?" Eva said giving a tight hug to her best friend. She thought she won't go anywhere today leaving Anna alone. But now that Sehun were coming she should leave. They need some time alone.

After Eva leaving Anna washed her face with cold water. She didn’t want to know Sehun that she cried. So she tried to looking fresh. And after that she went to kitchen, she still need to make something for her breakfast.
Sehun ended the call and looked at Anna's apartment building through his car window. He sighed and waited for the 10 minutes.
1 hour ago
Sehun was at his home doing his morning exercises when his manager came to him. He looked so angry at Sehun and he had no idea about what he had done.

"Sehun, why did you do that?" Manager Lee almost shouted from frustration.

"What! What did I do?" Sehun was looking lost.

"You didn’t saw it, right?" Manager Lee said furrowing his brows.

"Saw what, hyung?" Sehun asked as he couldn’t understand anything.

"This." He showed the picture to Sehun which Anna saw. And Sehun just froze in place seeing that.

"What do you want to say in your defence?" Mr. Lee asked with a stern tone. But as Sehun didn’t answer anything he continued.

"What were you doing with that girl? You aren’t really dating, right? Sehun for god's sake remember that you are an idol. You can't do these things in public with a random girl." He pointed to the photo angrily.

"Hyung-" Sehun started but was stopped by Mr. Lee.

"Is she your girlfriend?" He asked, no emotion in his voice.

Sehun couldn’t answer this. How could he? He never asked Anna to be his girlfriend.  Sehun became confused himself that what was their relationship.

After the silent answer Mr. Lee calmed down a little.

"Just end it whatever it is, Sehun. You know that this type of thing will damage your image to some of your fans." And with that manager Lee left his house.

Sehun just stood there another 10 minutes thinking about their relation. After that he went to his bedroom, changed his clothes, grabbed his phone and car key and dashed out from his house.
He was driving without destination. He didn’t know where to go. But after 15 minutes driving he realised that he was already in front of Anna's apartment building. He sighed and took his phone out and called Anna. He didn’t want to tell Anna that he was already there so he just said he will need 10 minutes. 
Anna was in the kitchen making her breakfast when her door bell rang. She was in deep thought about the incident and as a result she jumped out hearing the noise. She stopped chopping the vegetables and went to open the door.

After the door opened Sehun slightly smiled at her. Anna also returned the smile. But inside both were crying.

"Sehun-ah I was making breakfast for me. Did you have yours? Or you wanna join me?" Anna asked as she headed to her kitchen.

"I didn’t have yet. So I would love to join with you." Sehun grinned following Anna.

"You have to wait a little." Anna said chopping the vegetables.

"Okay." Sehun sat on top of the kitchen counter. He wanted to talk about the incident. But he couldn’t find any courage. He didn’t even know Anna saw it or not. So he decided to not ask anything about it. So he just sat there and kept watching whatever Anna was doing.

Anna was sticking out his tongue a little while working. It’s her habit. Whenever she does something so attentively her tongue will automatically came out. And that scene seemed very cute to Sehun.

Anna was about to open the cabinet door of her left side, which was opposite of Sehun, when Sehun grabbed her right arm and pulled her towards him. He placed Anna between his two legs and as soon as Anna stood straight he attacked her lips.

Anna was startled by his sudden action but caught the flow quickly. She also started kissing him back. Sehun slowly got down from the counter, not breaking the kiss. And then turned them around so now Anna was in front of the counter. Sehun lifted Anna by grabbing her waist and placed her at the top of the counter.

Both of them kissed like there was no tomorrow. But when Sehun pulled away from the kiss it was pin drop silence, only their breathing sound was there. After a few moments of panting heavily Sehun took Anna in a tight embrace and hid his face on her neck. They both were struggling inside but decided to not say it out loud. They just stayed like that for minutes, in silence.

Anna realised the situation very well even without a word from Sehun. She knew Sehun are facing a lot of pressures from others and that was what Anna was afraid of. She didn’t want that, but still this happened for her. She was the guilty one here. Anna couldn’t stop these thoughts coming into her mind. She was feeling so selfish and guilty inside.

But Sehun didn’t realise that. From the smiles Anna was giving, he thought Anna didn’t see the news yet. So he felt kinda relieved about that.

But little did he knew Anna was faking all the smiles. She just wanted to comfort Sehun by smiling and acting normal and she was successful.
Deep inside they were both hurt...

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