3 (Why 2nd?)

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Anna slowly turned to see if it was real or dream. Then she saw it. In her left there was standing Oh Sehun, her BIAS WRECKER.

Sehun was a little shocked by her words but didn't show any expressions. With hiding that he asked the question again.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Is it real? How is it possible?" Anna was too shocked that she was talking with herself in her native language that's not english. So Sehun didn't understand anything.

Now Sehun was a bit annoyed so he just left the room and told his manager to talk with the girl.

Manager Lee entered the room with doctor.

Doctor started checking Anna's condition.

"Hello miss. How are you feeling?"
"My head is hurting"
"That will be fine after sometimes. There's a simple cut in your forehead. It will heal soon.
Your pressure is low. And I guess you were standing for a long time, right? "
"That's why you fainted. By the way how is your leg?"

That's when Anna realized her right leg was plastered.

"Wh...what happened? Did it broke? Oh no! What will I do?" Anna started panicking and started crying.

"No no it's not broken. It's just dislocated from your falling. It will be alright."

Anna stopped crying and asked with a pouty face, "Really? It's not bad? It will be alright?"

Anna was looking like a 5 years old girl who just got her doll back. And Sehun was smiling while watching that from the hospital room door.

"Yeah, it will be absolutely fine. You just need 1 week bed rest. That's all." Doctor told her with a smile.


Manager Lee and doctor had to cover their ears with their both hands because of Anna's sudden shout.

Anna felt embarrassed and blushed a little.

"Cute". Sehun whispered to himself.

"Um...I'm sorry. But how can I take bed rest for that long! I have only 20 days left in Seoul including today. I can't waste 7 days from that. I have a lot to do." Anna almost cried again.

"Sorry, but you have to rest otherwise it will damage your leg more. And will take more time to heal. One more thing you can now go home. Take care and come again after one week to make sure that your leg is okay." The doctor said with a smile and left the room.

"Hello, I am Oh Sehun's manager, Mr. Lee. You fainted in front of SM building one hour ago. And there was nobody who knows you that's why we took you to the hospital." he said with a smile.

"Th...that's mean he was re...really Oh Sehun??!" Anna's eyes were sized like a tennis ball, and looking like anytime they will pop out from there.

"Yes, I am real as far as I know." Sehun entered the room and said with a sigh.

"Se...sehun!!" Anna was having goosebumps all over her body.

"Can you call your family to take you home? Here, take your ph..."

"It's okay oppa. Actually my family is not here. I am here with my friend. But it's okay, I can go back by myself." Sehun was cut off by Anna.

Time to come back in reality.

Anna tried to stand up in her feet but failed and fell on the bed. And then a nurse came with a wheel chair to take Anna out.

With completing all the formalities and taking the medicines Anna came out from the hospital. Sehun and his manager was still with her. Nurse helped her to stand on her feet again and then left.

"Can you walk?" Sehun asked with a concerned voice.

"I have to. Don't worry oppa." While saying that Anna tried to take a step and almost fell again. Almost. But one hand held her from falling. The hand was holding her by her waist. And that hand was none other than Oh Sehun's hand.

Anna just lost all her words and froze in her place.

"Well, we will drop you to your place. Just tell the address."

It was kind of a order to Anna that she couldn’t say anything after that. She just nodded.

Sehun helped her entering the car and meanwhile Anna was having butterflies in her stomach. They both got to the car. After telling the address their journey began. But the whole journey was a silent journey for Anna. But still Anna was the happiest person at that time.

After 35 min ride they reached Anna's apartment. And again sehun helped Anna walking to the elevator from his car.

After reaching to Anna's apartment Anna opened the door by pressing the passcode.

"Yah! What happened to your leg?" Eva screamed when she saw Anna was limping. "And who is he?"

Sehun was wearing a black mask and a black cap so Eva couldn’t see his face.

"Um..I collapsed and dislocated my ankle." Anna replied to her friend but nervousness was clear in her voice because Sehun's hand was still holding her hand for support.

Sehun walked her to a chair and helped her sitting.

"And who is...." Eva stopped when Sehun removed his mask and cap.

Now it was Eva's turn to freeze. She forgot what was she saying even forgot about her best friend's injury.

"Eva, Sehun oppa helped me and took me to the hospi...." "WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! I MEAN OH SEHUN?! FOR REAL?"

"Yah! Stop screaming. Yes, Sehun oppa, for real you idiot." Anna was little bit enjoying seeing her friend in this much shock.

"What? You are telling me to STOP SCREAMING? How are you this calm?! You are here with your IDOL, YOUR 2ND BIAS, YOUR BIAS WRECKER.. AND HOW THE HELL ARE YOU THIS CALM?! EVEN I CAN'T STOP SCREAMING!!! ARRGGHHHH!!"

Anna really wanted to shut her friend by grabbing her mouth. But she was too far from her to do that. And on the other hand Sehun was in a awkward situation. He didn’t know what to do then.

But one thing he thought... 2nd? Who is the 1st bias? Oh! why would I even bother thinking about that!

But why do I feel like I want to be her 1st in priority?

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