8 (Confession)

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Anna's POV

"Soooo....Do you ship Senna?" Maybe yes? I don’t know.. But I am not going to answer that. I am already enough embarrassed that Sehun heard our conversation that day.

"Th...that was ju...just for fun." But I am also afraid that he was angry hearing that.

"E...eva was just tea...teasing me." Argh! I don’t know why am I stuttering! But I am afraid he will leave. And I clearly don’t want that.

"Pl...please don’t mind that." I like his presence around me. I don’t know who am I to him. Friend? Maybe not even a friend? Maybe just a person who crossed his life for only a few days? And maybe after someday he will forget about me totally. But still I want to enjoy his presence whie I can. That's why I don’t want him to leave.

I was nervous and scared, and was desperately trying him to not get offended by my any word or my any action. And in the process of doing that I couldn’t see that our faces were coming closer. He was closing the gap between us.

"If you are offended by that I am really sor-" A pair of lips attacked mine. It took me a whole minute to realise what was happening.

His lips weren’t moving. They were just there, on top of mine. But that was enough to run a thousand volt electricity through my body.

His eyelids were closed, his one hand was cupping my face, so softly. I shivered on his gentle touch. 

He was looking so calm. At that point I didn’t want to think him as a idol. I just wanted to think him as a normal person like me. Didn’t want to think about his other fans. Just wanted to be a little selfish and enjoy the moment.

I closed my eyes too, relaxing on his touch but as soon as I relaxed he pulled away. He recreated the gap between us and turned his face in another direction than me.

"You...you were overthinking." He said not facing me.

Then it hit me. I shouldn’t have closed my eyes, I shouldn’t have relaxed on his touch. For him, it was just a action to stop me from over thinking. May be he is regretting it already. And I made it worst by going along with it. Shit!

"Anna-" "It’s getting late. Let's go back now." I didn’t wait for him to reply. I got up and walked to his car. I was already embarrassed about my action. I don’t want him to talk about this anymore.

In the whole ride he tried 2-3 times to start a talk about the kiss but everytime I successfully stopped him from continue by talking about another topic.

After we reached my apartment I slightly bowed and muttered a 'thank you' and a 'bye'. I grabbed the car door to open it when he held my left wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"Anna just listen to me this time, okay?" I was taken a back by his action that I couldn’t stop him this time.

"That wasn’t a mistake if that is what you're thinking. That kiss-" he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. Then opened his eyes and continued "-wasn’t a mistake for me."

Wasn’t a mistake? What's that means? He don’t regret it? But....why?

I couldn’t help but stare at him with wide eyes. As if he read my mind he replied again..

"Because, I...um...I... I kinda wanted to do that." He left my hand and started playing with his fingers. And he was avoiding my gaze.

Don’t tell me Sehun is being shy now?! No way!

"Well you go and rest now. I will contact with you later." He said it fast.

Wow! One minute, he is super confident to hold my hand to stop me from leaving and next minute he is super shy to even lock his eyes with me and telling me to leave.

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