9 (What to do)

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Author's POV

"I like you."

Anna, of course was not expecting this sudden confession. She opened her mouth few times to say something but no word escaped her lips leaving her looking like a fish.

Sehun kept staring at her for any kind of response and there was none. But after a few seconds, her lips' movement changed the direction of his gaze.

Sehun looked at her lips and then her eyes. Anna was also staring at him. He again shifted his gaze to her lips and Anna was lightly biting her lower lip from nervousness.

And that was all for Sehun to lose control.

He slowly moved forward and kissed those lips for 2nd time. Like 1st time Anna didn’t pull away and also like 1st time he didn’t move his lips. He wanted to bite and suck those lips so bad. But he didn’t know about Anna's feeling yet. So he pulled away without tasting more.

But he was sure about his feelings now.

"Not like, I love you Anna. Do you love me?" Sehun said after pulling away.

Anna was supposed to think a lot of things before making any kind of move after that. But she couldn’t, more like she didn’t want to. Because she wanted to do what her heart told her to do.

And Sehun was 0% ready for that.

Anna grabbed his collar with both of her hands and pulled him with force towards her. And when their lips were only one centimetre away from each other she replied while slightly touching their lips together time to time.

"I love you too, Sehun." And with that she crashed her lips on his. Her hands travelled to his neck leaving the collar.

Sehun got so shocked because he didn’t expect this much positive reaction from Anna. But he was quick to process the whole thing and kiss her back.

They were sucking each other's lips passionately forgetting that they were in public. But luckily it was late already and the park was almost empty then.

Sehun snaked his hand around her waist, pulling her more close to him. He then started biting her lower lip earning a soft moan from Anna. She slightly parted her lips while moaning and that was what he wanted.

They started exploring each other more and more. But they had to pull away for breathing. So Anna pulled away for the needed air.

They both were panting heavily touching their foreheads together. They both kept their eyes closed for sometime. And when they started to breathe normally again they opened their eyes.

Their gaze met and they both saw the love into other's eye. Sehun slowly pulled Anna in a hug and hid his face in her neck.

They stayed in that position for a while, forgetting about everything around them. They just wanted each other.


Sehun stopped his car in front of Anna's apartment building.

"The day after tomorrow is our concert day. You're coming, right." Sehun asked after both getting off from the car.

"Yeah, of course." Anna answered as a matter of fact.

"Well then see you there." Sehun grinned at Anna.

"Bye, Sehun." "Bye, Anna."


"YAH! SEHUN-AH!" Baekhyun shouted in Sehun's ear. All Exo members were discussing about their upcoming concert but the maknae wasn’t concentrated at all.

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