6 (The Surprise)

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Night before fan meeting

Anna's POV

"Soooo.. Sehun hadn’t contact you after that day. But you still won't go to the fan meeting?" Eva asked me for the last time for confirmation.

"Hum Eva. I won't break the promise I gave." I was losing my patience but still I decided to wait for Sehun to keep his promise.

"I should have taken his number too. But when he asked for my number I was shocked to death that I didn’t even think about the possibility of taking his number too. I may be thought it would be mark as a crime to ask your bias wrecker's phone number to him directly, Eva."

Eva almost fall from the bed for laughing too much. After 2 min straight laughing then she calm downed.

"I know I know. It’s actually difficult to react in that situation. I can't even think how will I react if Shownu ask me for my number someday." She started thinking about the situation and freaked out the next second.

"Oh my gosh! May be I will be just dead from the excitement? Or will get a heart attack and go to coma for rest of my life?? Or may be will go in a shock and will never be able to talk again??? Or may be-"

"Just stop thinking about ors Eva." I facepalmed with my hands.

"But how did you survived that day Anna? I thought I have to go back home alone because you can't survive that encounter with Oh Sehun." I glared at her then just shook my head hopelessly.

"When will you go out tomorrow and when will you come back?" I asked looking at her.

"Will go at 8 and will come around 4 in the evening."

"Okay good night then."

"Good night."

I took my phone and opened instagram. I switched my account from ara_anna to erii_0505. Yup, to my fan-girling account.

I scrolled few minutes and then went to my inbox, basically in Oh Sehun and mine conversation. Oops! not conversation, he never replied my messages obviously.

Actually I write messages to all of them and none of them replied. And again I don’t message them with any hope of getting a reply. It’s just that sending them a message is enough to make me smile. Sooo why not?


Author's POV

Exo's fan meeting was about to start after half an hour. They all were together in their restroom preparing for the event.

Baekhyun was fixing his makeup while Chanyeol was staring at him like there were no tomorrow.
Chen was showing some photos of his little princess. And Xiumin and Lay was awwing at those.
D.O was wanting to kill Kai for flirting with him nonstop.
Suho was pacing back and forth just to check everything was alright. And Sehun was just sitting on a chair and checking his instagram. 

(And yes, these were their preparations for the event...)

"Um... Hyung?" Sehun slid him phone in his pocket and said.

"Which one?" Chen asked with raising his right eyebrow.

"Everyone. I am talking to all of you."

"Okay, we are listening. What is it?" Suho asked and by then everyone's attention was on their precious maknae.

"Are you free today after the event?"

"Why? Are you gonna treat us today?" Kai said while smirking at Sehun.

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