13 (Goodbye...)

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Anna waited for another minute at the door. And when she was sure that Sehun ended his call she stepped into the room with a fake smile.
They both were ready to sleep. Sehun didn't go to his room and stayed in the guest room with Anna. And now they both were lying on the bed, eyes closed. Suddenly Sehun almost whispered-


"Hum?" She hummed with closed eyes.

Sehun turned to Anna's side and hugged her by her waist tightly and snuggled closer to her neck.

"Sorry." Sehun mumbled on her neck, his lips slightly touching her skin.

'Sorry for thinking about hurting you. Sorry for not realising the real love. Sorry for already hurting you last few days. I am sorry.' Sehun couldn't bring himself to say those words louder. He thought this would hurt Anna. But little did he knew Anna needed those words most right now..

Anna didn't reply anything and kept her eyes closed so Sehun thought she is already asleep. And he also slowly drifted to the dreamland. And when his breathing became lighter means he is already asleep Anna opened her eyes.

'You won't have to say sorry again Sehunnie. I am sorry for bringing this conflict in your life. I love you.' A tear drop escaped her eyes, and then another one and then another. Anna silently sobbed with covering her mouth with one hand.

Everything will over as soon as this night is over.
Sehun's POV
I slowly opened my eyes adjusting with the light. A genuine smile placed on my lips when I remembered that Anna is sleeping beside me. I automatically rolled on my right and stretched my hand to hug her. But my hand hugged nothing but air. My eyes shot open when I felt the bed already cold. Where is she?

I looked around the room but she wasn't there. I sat up on the bed fixing my messy hair as much as possible but it was still messy. I was about to stood up and go to search for her but then the bathroom door opened and there she was.

I sighed in relive. Why didn't I thought about the bathroom?! Silly me!

"Oh. You are awake. Good, I was about to wake you." Anna said without looking at me.

"Yeah. I just woke up. But what are you doing? Are you going already?" I asked her because she looked totally ready for going out and she was checking her appearance at the mirror right now.

"Yeah. I am leaving." She picked her phone from the bed side table and said.

"But-" I was trying to say something but she cut me off.

"Oh another thing. Don't call me anymore oppa." She said with no emotions on her voice.

"What? Hey, are you doing a prank on me? You are really good at acting." I laughed but she didn't buzz at all and kept staring at me with the same expression.

"Oppa, I am not doing any kind of prank. Why would I? That's so childish." She rolled her eyes. Did I see it right? Because it's not the Anna I knew. And her voice was sounding cold.

"Then what are trying to say?" I said, confused.

"Well I am trying to say is don't contact with me anymore. Because I am bored already."

"Bo-bored? What do you mean by bored?" My voice was trembling. I wasn't sure what is she talking about.

"Look oppa. Let me be clear, okay? You are my idols. I am your fan for more than five years already. I really wanted to meet with all of you but didn't expect to be this close. So when you said you like me I was like on cloud nine. I thought it would be fun dating my idol. After all you are world wide famous. So I accepted you without thinking. And of course there wasn't that much to think anyway. But honestly it was quite boring because I had to hide all the times with you too. But I wanted to show off with you, with my idol. So I think it's enough for me already. And also I have a boyfriend waiting for me in my country. So I had to-"

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