12 (Last Day of 20 Days)

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The two of them spent the whole day riding various rides, eating whatever they wanted and flirting with each other. Each of them decided to enjoy other one's company for the last time. Sehun was hesitating at first because he was planning to break up at the end of the day but after a while he actually forgot about the whole situation. All his mind was thinking about Anna.

But the situation for Anna was different. Not for a single moment she forgot what Sehun wants. But she just kept pretending that everything is fine between them. She wanted to make the last day special.

They finished riding all the rides they wanted. Even they rode on roller coster for 3 times because Anna loved that so much. And when they exited from the amusement park it was already dark outside.

"Anna, let's eat dinner together and then I will drop you." Sehun said as soon as they get in his car. He sighed remembering that the day is ending and soon he have to tell those harsh words to the person he loves.

"But Sehunnie, I don’t want to go home this early. Can't we do something more, hm?" Anna said tilting her head towards Sehun and with a pout on her lips.

Sehun surely skipped a heart beat when he heard the nickname. It was the first time Anna called him with a nickname and it sounded so good to him. Every passing minute Anna was making it hard for him to stick to his decision.

"What do you want to do then?" Sehun asked looking at the pouty face.

Anna tapped her chin a few times while thinking what should they do and suddenly her eyes sparked up.

"Let's see a movie. How is it?" She asked Sehun with hopeful eyes that Sehun couldn’t resist.

"As your wish." Sehun replied while looking at the road, grinning unconsciously.
"Sorry sir but today's last movie has also started 10 minutes ago. You can come back tomorrow if you want."

"Oh it’s okay then." Sehun left the ticket counter and went to Anna who was standing a little far from the counter.

"Anna, the last movie also started and no movie left for today. We can't see a movie here today."

"Oh" That's what all Anna could say. Because she knew now it will end. She wanted desperately to not end this day. But how much she try, it would come to an end at a point.

Sehun saw the disappointment on her eyes. Though he wasn’t sure why she was disappointed but he could tell that she wanted to spend more time with him. And to be honest he wanted that too. The more time was passing the more he wanted to change his decision. He was confused. So he wanted more time with her to make his head clear.

"Um if you want then we can watch a movie at my house. We can order something and eat while watching. It’s totally okay if you don’t want-"

"It's okay. Let's go." Anna replied with a smile.

Sehun doesn’t know where that idea came from but he liked the idea. So he smiled back and nodded.
After they reached Sehun's house he quickly got off from the car and unlocked the door. He lives alone so no one was there besides them.

"You have an amazing house." Anna said looking around and awing at the decorations. It was so simple but so gorgeous.

"You liked it?" Sehun asked shyly, scratching his head.

"Yeah of course! Who wouldn’t?" Anna replied and smiled at his shyness.

"Thanks." Sehun said, returning the smile and continued. "Let's go to the living room. We can decide what movie we will see." He finished and started walking on the hallway heading to his living room, Anna trailing behind him.

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