15 (You Are The One) - Finale

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5 months later
Author's POV
"Evaaaaaaa, we will be late for the class! Where are youuu?!" Anna shouted from the living room. They always go to their college together and Anna always comes to pick Eva. 

"One minuteeeee." Eva shouted back from the upstairs.

Anna threw herself on the sofa, already giving up to attend the first class.

"Noonaaa." Ace called Anna as he also sat besides her, on the sofa.

"Ace." Anna just called his name affectionately, already smiling.

"Is Eva noona late again?" Ace said, crossing his arms on his chest, sounding like a big brother. Anna just chucked and nodded in confirmation.

"This girl!" Ace sighed dramatically and then both of them laughed out loud.

"Oh noona!" Ace called her like he suddenly remembered something so Anna turned to him, curious.

"All the best for today." Ace said, lifting up his both thumbs to the air. Anna furrowed her brows, confused about what is this wish for.


"Heard that it’s a big day for you." Ace said, his lips forming into a smirk.

Anna was about to ask a question again but Eva saved Ace as she came down almost running and called Anna. They were already late for their class so Anna just dropped the conversation there and bid goodbye with Ace.
At last their class ended and it was already past 4pm. Anna forgot about what Ace said from all the classes. But when they were already outside of the college building then she suddenly remembered it.

"Hey Eva. Ace was saying that today is a big day for us? What is it? We hadn’t any exam today then what is it?" Anna asked Eva.

"It's not for us, it’s for you only." Eva replied calmly but inside she was freaking out.

'Thank god he didn’t tell anything else. Otherwise I would've regretting telling him.'

"For me? I don’t have anything big today as much as I remember." Anna said, they were already at their college gate then.

"There’s a surprise for you." Eva replied after taking a deep breathe. She was just hoping that Anna won't be mad at her.

"Surprise? What surprise? You are giving me a surprise? What is it?!" Anna stopped on her track, bombering Eva with nonstop questions.

"You will know when it's the right time. Now let's go. We need to cross the road." Eva quickly said and pulled Anna to cross the road. But only one step and Anna stopped again, this time she froze on her place.

'Am I seeing things? It's impossible. What am I thinking?! He can't be here. But-but it was him, I saw him just now. How can Sehun come here?!'

When Eva pulled Anna she looked at the opposite side of the road but froze immediately when she saw Sehun, standing there. It was only for a second and then a bus came and stopped in front him. And when the bus left again he wasn’t there.

Anna shook her head quickly and thought that she is just hallucinating. Because it’s not possible to Sehun be here. So she took a breathe to calm herself and then crossed the road with Eva.

But she got the second attack when she saw him again and this time only a few inches away. Anna froze again. Eva murmured a 'I'm leaving you two alone' and left.

'It can't. It's not possible. I'm hallucinating. Don't look at it. Ignore it. It's just a hallucination.'

But she couldn’t take her eyes off him. How could she? She missed him a lot after all. There was not a single day where she didn’t miss him and not a single night where she didn’t cry for him in these last five months.
Anna was only staring at Sehun that she forgot she was on the middle of a road. And suddenly a motorbike came from her left side, signaling her to move from the road but she didn’t heard it because of her deep thoughts.

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