11 (Decision)

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Countdown: 3 days left
Sehun was ignoring Anna after leaving her apartment that day. Anna tried to call Sehun but he didn’t receive a single time. And when she sent like thousands messages he would reply with a very short message. Anna realised he was going through a lot after that incident, so he need some time alone. And when he will settle everything he will call her. It was hard for her too but still she believed that her pain is nothing compared to Sehun's. So Anna just decided to wait for him.
Sehun was actually trying to figure out something.

That day after coming home his hyungs bombarded him with thousands questions like 'who is she?' 'is she really your girlfriend?'. But one question was stuck in his mind.
'Is she the one?'

"Do you think she is the one you want to take risk for?" Junmyeon placed his one hand on the maknae's shoulder and asked.

"What do you mean hyung? What risk?" Sehun asked tilting his head towards their leader.

"Sehun-ah, I know we are idols and we can't live a normal life like others. But love is something really precious in everyone's life. We can risk our everything for the love of our life. And if the right person come into our lifes we, the idols, also need to risk our fame for that person.

You remember how our fans reacted when Jongdae revealed his relationship? He had to face a lot that time but still they were happy with each other because they love each other. And that's how love works.

Just one thing. You need to choose the right person. You need to be sure first that you want that person for the rest of your life. You need to be sure that she is the one. And when you will be sure we all will be with you." Suho stopped and flashed a reassuring smile and then continued.

"But if you think that she is NOT the one then just stop it here, Sehun-ah."
Flashback end
That's why he was ignoring Anna. He needed some alone time to figure out the answer. He was sure that he loves that girl but it was also true that he was afraid. He doesn’t want any trouble now. And these all were so confusing for him. He couldn’t decide what to do. He was lost. He was so lost that he forgot Anna have to go back to her country...
Countdown : 2 days left
Sehun have decided already. Now he first need to meet with Anna. So he called her. Almost immediately Anna received the call as if she was waiting for the call. But he didn’t know that she was actually waiting for this call last 4 days..


"Hey" Sehun replied with a low voice.

"How are you?" Anna asked after waiting for a few seconds. Sehun was silent so she broke the silence.

"Uh? Oh yeah I-i'm fine. Ho-how are you?" Sehun cursed himself for stuttering too much.

"I am okay now." Anna replied simply. She didn’t want to tell that she was devastated last few days, that she almost cried for 24/7. But she was really fine after hearing his voice so she decided to just tell that.

"Uh okay. Anna, can we meet tomorrow? Are you free?" Sehun asked her.

'I was always free for you.' Anna wanted to tell that but didn’t. Instead she replied "Yeah I am free. Where and when should we meet then?"

"I will go and pick you from your apartment at 10 am. Okay?"

After Sehun ended the phone call Anna was grinning like an idiot. She missed him a lot. She was afraid that she have to go back without seeing him for the last time. Now that Sehun wanted to meet, her all fears have gone already.
Countdown : 1 day left
"Anna, where are you going? You didn’t go anywhere in last few days." Eva asked her friend who was now choosing her dress.

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