X Run Boy Run

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This will be a slightly different one-shot

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This will be a slightly different one-shot. I was debating on a Christmas one or a song one. So I chose a song, and will be doing a New Years one shot later on. But this is based off of "Run Boy Run" By Woodkid

As you ran from the burning building that was once your home, you were greeted by flames of all sizes. The Saviors had taken their shot on your community, angered by everyone's rebellion. One by one now, they were picking everyone off. Starting with The Hilltop, then The Kingdom, ending with Alexandria. Your legs stung as you ran, the heat from the fires mixed with the strain of having to force yourself to keep running caused sweat to drip from your face.

Spotting one of your neighbors, Daryl, you sprinted in his direction. He was a excellent hunter, so if worse came to worse and you were stuck with him, you'd be fine with it. He caught on to you attempting to catch up with him, so he slowed down just enough for you to run by his side. Soon, you two left the flames. Once you were far enough away, you both stopped, collapsing against one of the trees. Your lungs stung with the heat of the smoke you'd inhaled, forcing you to begin to cough. That didn't stop you from catching your breath, leaning up against a tree. Daryl sat across from you, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Shoulda known.." He grumbled, tossing you a small bottle of water, half full. He seemed to have one, a little less full. So, you took the one he tossed you willingly, unscrewing the cap and downing the whole thing. The cold water streamed down your throat, soothing some of the burning feeling. You gasped softly, dropping the water bottle at your side.

"Don't.. start.." You responded, closing your eyes. You could hear walkers all around you, sort of. They were scattered, drawn towards the ruins of your old community, only to be engulfed by the burning red flames. You let your body relax some, your muscles screamed with anguish. You were exhausted now.

You and Daryl sat in silence, letting the soft growls of walkers in all directions ease your thoughts. Who would have guessed that the sounds of monsters could be so soothing. But they were all drawn to the fire, leaving you and Daryl alone for the most part. Occasionally one would stumble over to you two, only to be shot by Daryl, or tripped by your feet, before being stabbed in the skull.

Hours passed, you and Daryl just sitting against trees, letting your muscles rest. Though, you were soon awaken from your comatose state by the sounds of many guns cocking, headlights beamed through the trees.

"Well well well, what do we have here." A man stepped out from the source of the lights, tall and muscular. At first, you didn't recognize the voice. But once the figure of the being was outlined in white from the lights, you could tell who it was, mainly by how he stood. Negan.

"God.. f*cking... dammit..." You whispered, looking in his direction once more, using your arm to shield your eyes from the light. Though it was hardly visible, you could see his smile on his face.

"Two rats escaped their maze I see." He chuckled, walking over to you now, his index finger resting under your chin.

"Good to see you again, Y/N." He whispered into your ear, pulling away to go greet Daryl. The second his back was turned, a shiver ran down your spine. You and Negan knew eachother quite well, a result of being captured by him for a few weeks until Rick scavenged enough supplies.

"You a*shole.." You spoke up, shifting slightly against the tree, propping yourself against the trunk. The male turned to face you, tiling his head to the side.

"Well hi to you too." He chuckled, signaling for his men to pull you to your feet. As you were forced to stand, you stumbled. The weight of your body being too much for your sore muscles for a brief moment.

"There were f*cking children in those walls." Your voice held pain, with a hint of anger. Negan frowned slightly, guess he does have emotions.

"Well... I'm sorry for your losses. But you and all the others decided to misbehave. Go against routine and sh*t. You have to know the price."

"We have no homes now. How do expect to run us to the ground when we don't even have roofs over our heads!" You spat back, attempting to step closer, only to be held back by the men.

"You'll figure it out." Shaking your head at his response, you bit your lip. Though you didn't want to admit it, you'd been defeated, a tear slipped from your eye.

"Tomorrow is another day... right?" You whispered, swallowing the lump in your throat.


"And when the night fades away.. you'll be a man, boy. But for now...? It's time to run. Because that's all we ever do! Run! Run from him, run from her! Run from them!"

"Shut your goddamn mouth, your being too loud."

"All we ever f*cking done is run! I thought for once.. that we had a home! A place where we could go to take all this weight off of our shoulders! And you ripped it away from us! I can guarantee you wouldn't last a second in our shoes! In the wild with nothing but a few bullets and a knife! Scavenging for food! Fighting for your life! Because you're weak!" You spat, trying to pull your arms away. Negan approached, lifting your head up to face him eye to eye. You could see emotion in his eyes. Actual emotions.

"What did you just call me, Y/N?"

"Weak. Because that's what you are. You built your 'Sanctuary' to mask the fact that you are nothing.. but a little boy. Who knows nothing of survival.." You whispered, looking him directly in the eye. All you got in response was a scoff, and a signal to the other men to grab Daryl. Soon you were both forced into the truck. You spoke your word, but at what cost.

"We should have kept running..."

Moodboard made by me

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Moodboard made by me. Pictures found on Pinterest. App you to make was PicsArt

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