XIII Prietenie(friendship)

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AN: Hello readers, I am incredibly sorry for not updating in such a long time, I haven't really had the motivation to write

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AN: Hello readers, I am incredibly sorry for not updating in such a long time, I haven't really had the motivation to write. But I decided to give it a shot. If you're wondering about the name of this one shot, it is the Romanian word for "Friendship" pronounced Pree-eh-ten-ee-eh. I am learning Romanian.



You shut your laptop, head falling into your hands as your elbows rested on the table of the cafe you'd been at for the past 3 hours. You were swamped at work and it had started to get to you. Letting out a quiet groan, you raised your head up. As a waiter was walking by, you asked for another cup of your favorite iced/hot coffee/tea.

"I've got to get this done." You muttered under your breath, opening your laptop again. You heard the bell by the door ring, which caught your attention as your computer started up again. A man walked in, tall, and looked as though he owned a building of some sort. The male approached the counter, and the worker immediately welcomed him.

"Mr. Smith! I wasn't aware you'd be coming in today.." The worker sounded worried.

"Calm down, I'd just like a cup of coffee. Black, hot." He then smiled, which seemed to calm the girl taking his order. He took out his wallet and handed her a five dollar bill (4.21 euros), telling her to keep the change. He walked away, taking a seat fairly close to your table. Finally your computer decided to start up again. You quickly typed in your password just as a waiter came with your refill.

As you tried to open your document again, you noticed it wasn't where it should be. It hadn't saved.

"No no no no! Dammit!" You frantically clicked the refresh button. 3 hours of work had gone down the drain. You then felt a pair of eyes on you. Turning around you saw the same man looking at you with a confused expression.

"Sorry.. just.. I didn't mean to bother you, sir." You apologized, turning around to open a new document and restart the report.

"What seems to be the problem miss/sir?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. It was obvious he'd burned himself.

"Work. My report that's due tomorrow morning didn't save." You grumbled, taking a sip of your coffee/tea.

"Did you try refreshing?"

"Yes I tried refreshing. I'm not an idiot." You snapped, turning to look at him again. All you saw was a devilish grin.

"Sorry." He said sarcastically.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I'm just.. fuck." You gave him a weak smile. This made him stand an approach you, coffee mug in hand. He set down his coffee, turning your laptop to face him.

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