VII Showers

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"Mmn.. f*ck I need to get ready." The male beside you groaned, making you pout as he climbed from your guys bed. Flopping over onto your stomach, you groaned.

"Baby~ come back to bed~!" You whine, looking up at him with another pout. You'd been wanting to just spend the day cuddling, but clearly that wasn't happening now. Maybe if you whined enough.. he'd cave.

"Y/N you know I can't. I have sh*t to do.." He responded, looking through his wardrobe. He seemed to be finding new clothes.. something he did before he showered. Typically he'd just grab something instead of actually looking. Perking up when you realized this, you seemed to get excited.

"Wait are you taking a shower?" You squeaked, watching as the male rid himself of his shirt, causing your face to flush red despite already having seen the males body.

"Yes..?" His voice held confusion, looking over at your flushed face. He couldn't help but grin, loving the effect he had on you. He didn't know why you seemed to enjoy his presence so much, but he was glad you did.

"Can I join~?" You purred, now sitting up on your knees, a smile playing along your lips. You'd always enjoyed taking showers with Negan, but he didn't always allow it for some reason. It was strange. But you didn't question the guy.

"Didn't you join me last time, babe?" He asked, looking towards the bathroom now as he folded up some clothes he'd considered wearing.

"No~ you didn't let me." You responded, bouncing up and down slightly. You hoped the male would let you, not wanting to be alone for a good 30 minutes. Because for some reason he likes to take long a*s showers. You watched as he seemed to contemplate the idea, a small smirk forming on his face.

"Fine. You can join me, baby. But hurry up. I won't wait forever." He chuckled, walking towards the bathroom now, half shutting the door behind him. You jumped out of the bed almost immediately, grabbing yourself a pair of underwear and one of Negans shirts to wear afterwards. You probably weren't leaving the room today, so no point in pants right? Grabbing an extra towel, you skipped to the bathroom only to see a naked Negan right away. Your face flushed as he turned around with a grin, cupping your face in his hands.

"God it's adorable when you blush because of me." He chuckled, his lips meeting yours in a quick kiss, his hands trialing along your body as he undressed you. Growing eager, you helped him. Only a moment passed before you were both stood without clothing, and the male was turning the shower on. You both stepped in, and his arms went right for your waist, pulling you into his chest.

"Negan.. you have to actually wash yourself. You have stuff to do~" You coo, looking up at him before kissing his jaw. Though you can't see it because of your height difference, you know he smiled.

"Mmn... five minutes of this please. I forget how much I love showering with you." He whispered, burying his face in your hair, which somehow had yet to be touched by the water. All you did was nod, nuzzling into his chest with a smile. Your arms snaked around his waist, and for an unknown period of time. You two stood there, silent. Letting the warm water wash over your bodies, holding each other close.

After a few minutes, the male loosened his grip as he turned you around, grabbing your shampoo from one of the shelves.

"Get your hair wet baby, okay? Let me take care of this. I did do a number on you last night." He teased, squeezing your hip gently. You comply, scooting forwards so the water washed over your head, causing your hair to stick to the back of your neck as well as parts of your face. Within moments, the male was applying the shampoo to your wet hair. His fingertips massaging your scalp as you stood there. All you could do was smile. Soon, he helped rinse your hair, wiping away any soap that came anywhere near your eyes.

"God... I'm lucky to have you.." He whispered out of no where, causing your cheeks to flush. Raising your head with his index finger, you had no choice but to look in his eyes. His dark hair was slicked back with the water, though a few pieces decided to disobey and sat glued to his forehead. You could see he was smiling.

"Mmn... I'm lucky to have you.." You responded, your hands meeting his sides. Without warning yet again, you were pulled into his chest. All you could do was grin and press kisses wherever you could.

You two were in the shower for a good 45 minutes, holding each other for a few minutes before helping one another wash one thing or another. Whether it was hair, or body, or conditioning your hair as well. It was peaceful. You two got to spend time together. Just the two of you. That was rare seeing as though he was the leader. You really only had time together at night, most of the time was spent sleeping or.. doing activities.


"Yes, my love?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Y/N.. now come on. Let's go cuddle."

———————————————————————Thank you so much for reading! I know it's been awhile since I posted a one shot

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Thank you so much for reading! I know it's been awhile since I posted a one shot. But y'know. Depression.

Moodboard made by Me, Subject A5. Pictures found on Pinterest. App used is PicsArt

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