XII Fairly Local

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So uh

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So uh.. this isn't as good as it could be. And I'm sorry. But enjoy-

Your heart pounded in your chest as you ran through the woods. Every direction, trees for miles. You weren't sure how far you'd gotten from Alexandria, but you knew you wouldn't be able to find your way back anytime soon. And the only nearby community that you knew of was your enemy. The Sanctuary. God forbid you find yourself there, you mind as well kiss your life goodbye at that point.

Then again, you might have to do that already. You'd run out of bullets a few moments ago. And well.. you were being chased. Unfortunately it wasn't by the living.

You'd stumbled across a horde of walkers a few miles back, and they'd been chasing you ever since.

::Flash Back::

Holstering your gun, you walked along a little trail your friend Daryl had made awhile back. He didn't really use it anymore though. Ever since he escaped The Sanctuary, he hadn't been home. Which was understandable really.

You seemed to walk for hours, listening to the sounds of nature around you. It was calming. It's been awhile since you got time to yourself. Usually something went wrong, leaving you either alone and afraid, or not alone and in trouble. Maybe that's why Rick forbid you from leaving Alexandria without supervision.

You found yourself near an old building, you'd somehow made it to the town. You hadn't realized how long you actually had been walking. Turning your head, you looked towards the old stone and paint of the building. From the looks of it, before the world ended, it had been some sort of power plant. You could only imagine how bad the virus had taken that place.

To your left, another building, roughly the same size if not a little smaller. There had to be a good amount of walkers in there. Luckily, the doors were barricaded shut. If they hadn't made it out yet, chances are they wouldn't at all. Little did you know..

You'd made it just beyond the block those buildings had been in when you heard it. A loud crash echoing from that direction. Instinctively, you grabbed your gun, turning to try and find the source of the noise. Then you heard screaming. Someone had tried to go inside.

You couldn't make out what was being said. But you could tell you needed to run. But before that idea clicked in your head, there was a heard of walkers looking at you like you were their next meal.


Without even considering your best route, you bolted towards the woods nearby in hopes you'd be able to lose them. A hoard of walkers tripping over stumps, rocks, and colliding with trees? Seemed like a great plan, right? But you underestimated the lengths they'd go through to get a meal. Even if there was a good amount of them that wouldn't get one.

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