II Natural

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Hello, this ones a bit different

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Hello, this ones a bit different. I was listening to one of my playlists on Spotify when Natural by Imagine Dragons came on. And my immediate thought was of Negan. Weirdly, especially since it was one of my Harry Potter playlists- but. Enjoy. But I'll be honest. I lost track of where I wanted it to go, and I wrote this fairly late at night. So bare with the terrible writing.

"Y/N!" The males voice called out for you. You and Negan had been on a run together, a way to spend some alone time with one another. Lately you and Negan had grown close, you'd started staying in his room with him. You'd take turns sleeping on the couch, since he couldn't bare the thought of you having to sleep there every time.

"Negan!" You called back, you'd gotten separated by a herd, and boy were you anxious now. You don't know where you are, who's around... or what's around. You'd always told yourself. You're not cut out for this world. This life. Walkers? How could you possibly survive that?!

"Stay where you are! I'll find 'ya!" You sunk down to the ground as you heard Negans voice again, bringing your knees to your chest. You begin to have a panic attack. You've grown to used to having Negan with you at nearly all times, or within eyesight. And now all you could do was hear his voice when he screamed.

"Breathe... I'm okay.. he'll find me... I'm going to be okay......" You try and keep yourself calm, and it almost works until you hear the sound of walkers at the door. Many.. walkers. Your breath hitched, you grip your knife firmly. Negan has all the guns... you never liked them.

"Y/N!" Negan called again, unaware of the herd just beyond the wood door. If you were to respond... they might get antsy and actually somehow break through. You take a few more deep breaths before standing up on shaky legs.

While you were standing, you knocked over a bottle, creating a loud noise. It made your heart sink... like you could feel it in your toes. Just as you suspected... the walkers behind the wall and door grew louder and more eager to get to you. To get to your warm flesh.

"C'mon... I got this..." You whisper to yourself. "I'm Y/N f***ing Y/L/N..."

Looking around the room, you spot a small safe looking thing. It doesn't look like one of those expensive ones that are nearly impossible to break into. Quietly jogging over, you knelt in front of the steel box. You notice the crack between the walls and door of the safe seems big enough to fit your knife through. Maybe... just maybe with some luck... you could pry it open. And if your real lucky.. there'll be an extra weapon. Whether it be another knife, a gun, or something to block yourself.

With the confidence you didn't have, you jammed the blade of your knife into the crevice, trying to wiggle it loose. To your surprise it begins to get easier. And luckily it's not your knife breaking. A minute or so later, you managed to pry it open. And as if god heard your non-existent prayers... there's a gun. Immediately you grab it, checking for any ammo. 4 bullets... hopefully it'll be enough.

Taking a few deep breaths, you jump up as you hear the door break from its hinges, at least 8 walkers swarming in. Knowing you can't waste the bullets, you look for anywhere high up. Luckily there was a decently tall bookshelf nearby, and you'd fit just fine. Knelt down of course. But you'd fit. As you hear and see the walkers stumbling your way, you take the chance and climb up the bookshelf, nearly slipping as you reach the top. This is because one of the walkers got to you, grabbing your ankle. Thank god the dead are fairly weak.. you used your knife to get it off of you.

"Dammit Negan! Where the hell are you!" As the walkers swarm at the base of the bookshelf, they begin to try and climb it, ultimately making it wobbly. You use your first two bullets, luckily you hit them in the head. At least they were wasted.. 3 down... 5 to go..

With what knowledge you do have, you use your knife for two of them, impaling their skulls when they got collide. Firing your last two bullets. You've got one more to kill... only... it grabbed your foot when your least expected, dragging you down to the ground.

"Negan!" The walker inches closer to your head, jaws snapping each time. Your forearm is pressed to its throat, your palm to its forehead in attempt to keep it away. You began to feel weak, you hadn't eaten much that day. The walker inches closer, dangerously closer. You close your eyes for a moment, that's when you remember your self defense classes. If it works on a grown living man... surely it works on a half decayed corpse?

You shimmy your body beneath the walkers, getting your knee under its stomach. Your able to push it farther from you, using your other foot to push it off completely. Scrambling backwards, you grab your knife. Damn thing was too far from you to get it originally. As the walker begins to crawl your way, you pull yourself up before it can reach you. Somehow you managed to kick it pretty far. Sliding the blade into its skull with harsh force, it's blood splattered onto your hand and neck. You let out a sigh of relief, sitting against the wall now as you try to catch your breath.

After a minute of you trying to breathe again, Negan appears in the doorway, not even for a split second when he noticed you bloody and panting. The male ran towards you, kneeling down in front of you. Dropping Lucille in the ground beside you, his hands met the sides of your neck.

"F*** Y/N! Are you hurt! Did you get bit! Is this your blood!" You see the panic in his eyes, making you snicker. Swallowing the lump in your throat.

"Yes... no... and no... well maybe on that last part.." You manage to speak through heavy breaths.

"I'm so sorry... I couldn't find you.. this place is f***ing huge.."

"I'm alive aren't I..?"


"And you're alive?"


"Then I'd say you did just fine..." You chuckle softly, resting your hands on his wrists.

"What'd I tell 'ya, Y/N? You're a natural." He responded with a short laugh. Before you can respond his lips are against yours. You forget how to breath for a second, returning the kiss willingly.

As Negan pulled away, you bite your lip.

"Been wanting to do that for awhile, Y/N"

"Why didnt you?"

"I was scared."


Moodboard made by me, Subject A5, using PicsArt

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Moodboard made by me, Subject A5, using PicsArt. Pictures found on Pinterest.

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