I Nerf or Nothing

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Welcome back! Or something

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Welcome back! Or something.. anyways. This was requested by a good friend of mine, so I figured why the hell not. This is an imagine/one shot of you making the mistake of finding Nerf guns and deciding to start a war with the man himself. May the odds be ever in your favor ;)

"Well, darling. You've just made the biggest mistake of your life." Negans husky voice sends chills up your spine. You'd just shot him in the shoulder with a small, styrofoam bullet.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. You just started yourself a war." The male turned to face you, Nerf gun in hand. A devilish grin spread across the males semi-chapped lips. Before you can even speak another word, one of his bullets strikes your shoulder.

"Dammit!" You giggle, turning to run the opposite way. You're outside the compound in the woods, you and Negan had decided to take a walk with Simon and Dwight, who had provided the nerf guns. They'd found Negans stash with you, decided to have... fun with the taller male.

Attempting to turn your head and look, you managed to shoot him in the chest, causing him to chuckle as he chases you. With the help of Simon , you manage to get Negan off your trail. You end up behind him now.

"Negan! I think she went this way!" Dwight called from a distance. You guys managed to form teams without even trying. You got stuck with Simon, who could betray you at any moment. You catch a glimpse of the males leather jacket in the corner of your eye.

"Perfect." You whisper, aiming for the sweet spot. Pulling the trigger, the small yellow and blue dart hit the male directly in the a**. Well.. his left a** cheek. This caused him to turn and face you.

"You didn't, Y/N" The male tilted his head as he eyed you, you'd just become his prey.

"Oh but I did."

"You've five seconds before I shoot *your* a**." Your eyes widen at that, you realize the mistake you made. Turning to run, you hear the male begin counting.

"Five... four... three... two..." As he noticed you run, so did he, firing before he even got to five. He managed to hit your lower back, just missing your a**. For the next hour or two, you and Negan play this cat and mouse game of shooting each other in the a**. Somehow you made your way back to the Sanctuary, Dwight and Simon had made it back an hour before you two.

"Wait wait wait! Truce! Truce! Please! My a** is bruised because of you!" You call out, gasping for breath as well as laughing. You were unaware of how fun this man could be. Beneath that hard exterior he seemed to have a sweet side.

"Drop your gun, and I'll consider it, darling." Negan responded, his gun aimed at your chest. You weren't expecting that. Willingly you lower your gun, dropping it on the ground. Just as you suspected, he fired one more shot. Hitting you directly in your chest.

"Damn you!"

"Ah come on. I had to!" He chuckled, lowering his gun as he approached you. The male was significantly taller than you, you stood just below his chin. Gently punching his chest, you hear him laugh again. In the corner of your eye you see his hand come to meet the side of your face, brushing your *your hair color* colored hair behind your ear.

"You didn't *have* to."

"You didn't *have* to shoot me in the a**."

"Fair enough..." Placing a finger underneath your chin, he lifted your head, forcing your gaze to meet his. You notice him glance to your lips.

"So.. tell me, Y/N. Was this your way of.. flirting? Or were you simply starting a fight?" He whispered, inching closer to your face. Your lips are grazed over by his, causing your breath to hitch.

"Maybe both..?" Your breathing picks up slightly, you begin to ache for the feeling of his lips against your own. You know you shouldn't.. that he's meant to be the bad guy. But.. every villain has their story right? They may be the villain in some stories... but they're the hero of their own... it depends on who's telling the story.

"Mmn... I see. Careful, Y/N.... I may just ruffle those perfect little feathers of yours."

"I'm anything but perfect Negan..."

"That's not true, Darlin'... you're perfect to me.." His breath mingled with yours, his body dangerously close to your own. You're unsure of how long you stood their, close to kissing the whole time. Occasionally coming close to contact, pulling away slightly each time.

"Who knew you'd become to essential to me..." The male placed his hand on your waist. Pulling your body to his. His other hand met your cheek. Finally you two were going to kiss.... until Dwight called out for him.

"Boss! We got our delivery from hilltop!"

"Such poor timing... oh well... you know where my room is." He chuckled softly, turning your head slightly before whispering in your ear.

"You're welcome any time... hell... maybe you'll get that kiss..."



Moodboard made by me, using PicsArt

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Moodboard made by me, using PicsArt. Photos from Pinterest.

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