Chapter 7• The unexpected

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"Come on y/n, show me what you got" Bakugou was bragging about his first win. You rolled your eyes in annoyance then you made your move and made him froze in the ice. His whole body except his face.

"Get back here y/n!! I'm not done with you!!" He growled.

You were in a combat with bakugou, as well as the others. But when you're about to take permission in going to the comfort room, bakugou let out an explosion ready to hit you. You Dodged it swiftly, you backflipped and made an snow path to cause him to slip.

"You Damm extra!" He yelled and you ignore him "That was awesome akaguro" the pink girl called me by my last name, which i hated "Call me y/n I don't preface calling me by my last name" i hissed at the girl "I'm sorry Mina, she's really friendly just stressed" Midoriya said "Oh it's not a problem midoriya" The pink girl said


We got back in our class room then a bell ring. I think it signals a villain is attacking. A lot of students is panicking, while i just stayed calm. We have quirks, we can defend ourselves. Well, not all of us.

"Hey y/n aren't you going?" Midoriya said "No, i preferred getting kidnapped by some villains than gather with some panicking students" Midoriya already know you will said that "Okey, just be careful" He said leaving the room "Hmmm........ Finally a peaceful day" i put my feet on top of the table, tied my hair up and looked at the window.

It is when i saw some guys going to principal nezu's office. I respect principal nezu more that anything. He helped me a lot and i wanna now his secret of how he handles a lot of students every year.

That's when my curiosity is killing me. I couldn't be more impatient, so i decided to go and check on it. Since the halls are flooded with stupid, panicking students, i decided to sneak in the window. I activated my quirk and made a slide like snow for me to slide on. Once i reached the end i dissolve it (I don't know to the actual word of it... So i apologise ☺️)

I walked to principals nezu's office. I peeked through the opened door, and saw a tall guy with a smoke on his head, a burned guy and he looks creepy, and a girl with blonde hair and pigtails holding a knife, and a guy with the same black hoodie from last time....

Could it be?.........


Without hesitation, i entered the office. And made a snowflakes in their faces. The three of them seems to be surprised, but one of them isn't. The guy with a hoodie turned around and have a shocked look on his face.

"Well..... Long time no see" the others turned around and saw me with no expression on my face. The burned boy showed some blue flames from his palms, but the guy with a black hoodie put an arm in front of the burned boy

"Don't. You. Dare. Try burning her, you will decay"


Shigaraki's words shocked the burned boy, and his blue flames slowly disappeared.

The blonde girl approach you with a wide grin on yer face "Hi. I'm toga himiko, nice to meet you" she handed out her hand "I'm y/n akaguro. But i prefer calling me y/n" i said with a blank expression "Come on guys, introduce yourselves" The girl named toga said "I'm dabi" the burned boy said. He doesn't want to reveal his identity and i don't mind "I'm kurogiri" the guy with smoke on his head said

"Well, how have you been tomura?" Calling the LOV's boss shocked toga and dabi, they weren't expecting you to know shigaraki

What made them more shocked, is that you gave shigaraki a little punch on his arm, but he didn't complain and let out a little huff. His actions was shocking for toga and dabi.

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