Chapter 6• Comfort

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The man wearing a black hoodie looks up to reveal his identity.

Wass it......

He turned around and leaves. I hurried myself to follow him but didn't saw a thing.

"No. No . No i can't lose you know, i wanted to ask you everything" i said while looking for someone that seems doesn't care about me "Shigaraki, please show yourself, i need you" i said crying down to my knees "Hey y/n don't cry. I'm here for you" I heard izuku said "Let's just go home" I said while wiping the tears that was falling.

'I know it's you shigaraki, i could see your Crimson Red eyes from that black hoodie' I though as looking back at the place i saw shigaraki.


"Where have you been tomura?" Kurogiri said as i open the door "Just doing some business" i lied "Be ready, we'll break into UA next week. Don't go out wandering" The caring kurogiri said.

I seat at the couch and let out  a loud sigh. Kurogiri noticed it.

"What's the matter Tomura?" He asked "Oh nothing" I said, but kurogiri still looks at me "I know something's bothering you, tell me" He said "Fine. I saw y/n earlier getting beat up, i didn't want to reveal my identity. So i just watched her in pain" i blurted out "Don't worry tomura she'll be fine. You told me that she has a nice quirk" Kuroguri asked "Yeah" i said "Maybe she could join the league, she's your friend right?" Those words were like knives. It's stabbing my heart, it's tightening my chest, like i couldn't breathe "She was my friend. By now, she probably hates me" i stated. Kurogiri's question made me remember some things....


Dear Shigaraki,
                         HI shiggy, probably by now i was at home. I understand if you didn't want to play with me. But you can at least tell me about how you feel. But it's for the best, that you didn't showed up. I'm sure you thought of me as the most annoying person ever.

                         If you ever feel sad, i left you our best and last picture of you and me. I hope this will made you realize that you mean a lot to me. I'll miss you shiggy

Sincerely yours,


"Ok, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't" Kurogiri said. Then the door was suddenly open. It revealed the new recruit kurogiri was talking about "Speak, don't waste my time" i said "I wouldn't obey you even if you are the leader of the league of villains. I can still kill you" The new recruit said, but somehow his voice sounded familiar "I'm sorry for his attitude, im kurogiri. This is shigaraki tomira, LOV'S leader" kurogiri introduce the both of them "I'm stain, tell this boy to shut his mouth" Stain looks pissed "But somehow your name sounds familiar, shigaraki" stain said which leaves me confused "I'm sure we haven't met before" i said, but somehow his voice was really familiar "Don't talk to the boss like that" the burned man said "It's fine dabi, let him get to the point" i said as the hero killer stain leaves the hideout.


"Hey y/n why did you suddenly ran after to someone?" Izuku said as he put some ice on my bruised face "You remember the the bot that i used to tell you that it's the reason of me crying?" He just nodded and listen "Well, i think i saw him" I said as he listened carefully to all of my words "Who was it again" he tilted his head in confusion "Shigaraki tomura" i said looking down, not wanting the tears to fall. Your heart is still wounded, do it hurts. But izuku helps you to heal it, all thanks to him. But you weren't completely recovered.

You fell asleep in izuku's arms, but he didn't want to wake you up. So he just let you sleep, and rest his head on your head. It was comfortable for you to have someone beside you. But the one who you wanted to be beside you wasn't showing up.

I'm sorry for updating less, I'm too busy in my household chores. I was always forced to do it, but i have no choice. Anyways...

Hope you enjoyed this story. Don't forget to vote, I'll appreciate it



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