Chapter 12• Call

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We sit there in awkward silence, or so i thought. Maybe they're used to eating in silence and not talking to each other.

"Ummm...." I stopped myself from talking and just focus on the food. Todoroki noticed you being nervous and stuff, but it surprised him. He never saw you show such emotion, so it's kinda weird for him seing you like this.

'I should be at home right now, eating chocolates while hanging out with chizome' i sighed

'Damn, this is awkward. I don't know how todoroki handles this everyday with his family' i thought, as i munch on the food.


After that awkward dinner i told fuyumi that I'll get going since i have something important to do this night. I say my good-bye to Fuyumi and Natsou and bowed goodbye to endeavor.

"I heard you have the same quirk as shoto's" The number 2 hero spoke "Yes sir, but it's not that alike. Besides shoto's way. Better since he got 2 quirks" i replied and somehow managed to not stutter.

Before Endeavor himself could reply, Shoto dragged me to the front door, then to the car. It  seems he doesn't like his father that much.

"Yow todoroki, thanm you for the dinner" I paused, as entering the car "Man I'm full. That was some good cooking" I said as todoroki starts the car and hums in response.

As todoroki was driving, i pulled out my phone and texted shigaraki.

My pretty Ass✨

Hey shiggy, you there?

Crusty handsome🦋

Anything you need y/n?

My pretty Ass✨

Are you going to bed now? Can i call you later once i got home?

✨ Crusty Handsome 🦋

No, just finished discussing something with Kurogiri

Where are you? I could take you home if you want

'Ahh! I could imagine your face right now' I mentally slapped myself

My pretty Ass✨

No need shiggy. My friend is already driving me home

I'll call you once I got home :)

✨Crusty Handsome🦋

Sure y/n. I'll wait for your call

I let out an relaxed sigh as stretching my legs because it kinda hurts from all the shopping me and Todoroki did, but it was worth it though.

"I wonder if he's still home" I said to myself "Did you said something y/n?" Todoroki said, his eyes still focused on the road "No it's nothing. I was just wondering if we'll be going to the SSJ" I replied "I think so" "I'm so excited to wear my hero suit! I spend a whole day just sketching it!" I exclaimed.


After for like 10 minutes of us in the car, we finally arrived at my house. I looked over the window to see if he was there. But no, no any sign of him.

"Maybe he has some business to do" I mumbled, setting aside the negative thoughts

I looked at Todoroki as he leaves the car and approaches me "Well, thank you for agreeing woth me. I didn't force you or anything but I'm glad you said yes" He said curling his lips into a small smile.

'Fuckin' Hell that's hot'

"Mind telling me the reason you agreed?" He asks, looking me in the eye "Well the thing is, I only came there to see if there's any photos of your grandmother in her days being a hero. Like, she's so attractive not gonna lie. But sadly,  I've seen nothing" I paused as he let out a surprised gasp "Even your family photo Was nowhere to be seen"  I continued.

I looked at todoroki, he seems to puzzle his own thoughts while looking down.

"It's there, you just didn't roam around the house. It's somewhere there....... I suppose" he said still looking down at his feet.

I didn't know he's been though this much, "Well todoroki it's getting late, I don't want you driving late at night. Thank you for driving me home." I said with a genuine smile. He froze there for some reasons and said "Thank you too. I have fun shopping with you. See you at school. "

As todoroki got into the car, I pulled out my phone to dial Shigaraki's number. It's ringing when todoroki turns on the engine and i waved at him goodbye. It only ring once then shigaraki answers it. Then todoroki droves away.

"Y/n I've been waiting for your call. So hows your day?" he said on the other line.

I put an hand on my waist while walking towards the door "Yeah, i have an awesome hangout with a friend. We go shopping, then this bitch had a MF Tesla" I said, while grabbing the keys as I squeeze the phone in between my ear and shoulders.

I heard him chuckle in the other side "Who is this friend of yours" he asked as you stopped from twisting the knob.

'Wait should i tell him shoto...... I think he'll never hurt him' i thought as i heard him call my name for the third time.

"Ohh yeah sorry, just can't put the key to the hole. " I reasoned out.

"Tomura, you should let y/n rest, she has classes tommorow. " I guess that's Kurogiri "Just a minute Kurogiri, I'm just gonna say goodbye. " Shigaraki spoke, i could see him frowning right now.

"I'm sorry y/n, kurogiri told me to ket you rest. Goodnight. I'll call you tomorrow" he said

"No problem shiggy, goodnight"

"Goodnight y/n. I love you"

"Love you too shiggy"

When i just processed everything that we both said, I hang up before he could say anything else and remember what i said.

I probably said that because I'm tired? Or just my mouth spoke before my mind... I dunno. I'm so confused.

As i sit on the couch i felt like someone is inside here with me...

I stood up and looked around, to see if someone's there.

Then suddenly.......


Heyyy y'all I've been resurrected from the dead. I'm back after 2 years???? Damn that's a long time. I've been busy with many things and sorry for leaving you hangin'. Hope you're still enjoying this but I'm sorry for the little cliffhanger ...... But don't worry It'll be worth it 😉💜

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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