Chapter 1•The beginning

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You were walking in the streets when you saw a boy with gorgeous blueish hair and pale skin, sobbing in the corner of the street.

"H-hey are you okey" i said trying to tap his shoulder "No don't touch me" he slapped my hands away avoiding "Yeah I'm sorry, my name is y/n akaguro. What's yours?" i gave him my warmest smile "He looked at me with his crimson red orbs, as he looked at my plum ones "I'm tomura shigaraki, don't come close to me i could kill you" he gave you a threat but you still smiled "Why are you smiling, I'm threatening you" he looked at me confused by your looks "I'm just happy i have someone to talk to" you looked down with tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Do you wipe it "What's your quirk by the way?" I changed the topic "Decay, probably everything i touch will decay" he thought i was scared which is right but i brushed it off "What's yours he looks at me "I can manipulate ice and snow, yeah lame quirk" i giggle "No i think it's awesome" he fainted a smile "Hey smile for me. This maybe the first and last time that I'll saw you, so smile for me" i looked at him

He smiled, surprisingly his smile was so sweet and cute. It maybe not the prettiest smile I've seen but it's one of a kind, it's special.

"Maybe we can meet again here, we're could i find you?" I faced him "Let's meet here, tommorow 5 pm" he was so straight to the point "Okey--" "Ahh y/n I've been looking for you everywhere, don't run away like that" my brother chizome suddenly found me

"Ohh nee-chan, sorry i was lonely" i frowned "It's fine, let's go home" he saw shigaraki in the corner beside me "i see you made some friends" he show me a rare smile "Ohh yeah he's shigaraki tomura" i said introducing him to my brother "Ohh i see, let's go now mother's worried about you" he said. I stopped and went over to shigaraki "I know you'd hate me after what I'm gonna do" "What" I hugged him and run back to chizome. Shigaraki froze when you hugged him, he was scared that he could kill you too.

'Why didn't you listen to me' he thought as your shadow is only he can see.


You got home, you saw your mother worried sick. But you just ignored it and went straight to your room and slammed the door. Chizome tell your mother what happened outside.


"Y/n, it's me" your brother peeked at the door, he saw your room completely frozen again "Hey you ok?" He tapped your back "Nee-chan can i see shigaraki tommorow?" I looked at him with puppy eyes which he cannot refuse "Ok sure but don't get hurt, i won't tell mom" he smiled "Nee-chan why don't i have the similar quirks like yours and mom's. Why don't we look a like?" I asked him the question that has been bothering me for a long time now "You know we stil Love you, even though your adopted. We still love you don't forget that" He simply answered "Thanks nee-chan" i hugged him. After that he left the room and you think of what he said

The story behind this question is your adopted. Your mother died because of the heroes didn't came in time, so it cause your mother's death. Chizome saved you and blamed the heroes for your mother's death. Your appearance is very different from theirs so you can tell that your adopted. You have plum purple eyes and you can manipulate ice and snow as your quirk, while theirs was all about blood and they have red eyes.

Due to your impatient personality, you sneak outside using your window and make a ice staircase, after you went down you removed it with no evidence left behind.

You went to the beach and sat down at the sand. You saw a family laughing and giggling, it get into your nerves so you simply activated your quirk and made their sand castle ruined. This makes you laugh silently while they rebuild it, you hate it when you saw a happy family together.

You headed back to your house when a 4 olds guys blocked your way

"Excuse me, let me through" i said while trying to meet their gaze "No young lady, your coming with us" he tried to grab your hands but you activate your quirk and froze their foots and they stayed in they're place. Unlinke todoroki, you cannot use your foor in making ice, you can only use the both of your foot in undoing the ice or snow.

"Hey come back here!!!" One of the man yelled "Ohh I'm sorry..... But no. Pick on someone your own size" i said putting on some ice again, this time it's moving towards all of their necks "I suggest don't you don't move" i said as the ice came closer to thier throats.

I leave them like that so that the heroes will handle them.

When i get back made an staircase again and removed it so no one will saw it. I entered the room and saw my brother sitting at my bed, looking worried

"Y/n where have you been?" He looks so worried "Just have to deal with some shitty bastard" he looked at me shocked "When did you learn to curse young lady?" He raised an brow "Ahh probably from mom and you" i lay down on my bed "Ohh okey" he leaves the room and i decided to sleep.

That day was so unbelievable, many things happened. You fell asleep thinking of shigaraki's cute smile.


The next morning you have a nice morning, have a delicious breakfast that made your day. Chizome was absolutely confused so he stopped your craziness coz you've been acting weird.

"Hey y/n could you stop being weird, it freaks me out" he grabbed my wrist "Ahhh nee-chan you know why I'm like this" i come closer "I'm gonna meet shigyy" i whispered "Who's   shiggy?" He raised an brow "I gave Shigaraki an nickname, he'll probably gonna like it" i said waiving my hands jumping out of the window. He looked down but he saw me sliding down screaming happily "You better be back before dinner young lady" he said pointing at me "YEAHHH DON'T TELL MOM ABOUT IT" i yelled


You went to the same street that you and shigaraki met. You saw him already there, you went to him. However you activated your quirk and make a pile of snow to play with him.

"What's this, you've made a mess" he said "Nooooo it's for us. We could play" i smiled "Ohh your too early" i said as i came closer to make a snowman "Heyyy shiggy can i ask you a question" i said looking at him straight in the eye "Your already asking" his sweet voice was so soothing to my ears "Can i hug you when I'm gonna die?" That question made him flinch "Your going to leave me like everyone else?" He looked sad "No, no, no I'm not gonna leave you" you inhaled "I'm just saying this coz, you said we cannot touch each other so maybe if the time comes, the day I'm gonna die i need you by my side and hug me" i said nearly tearing down "Hey i don't want to see you sad" i saw sincerity in his crimson eyes, it diluted.


'Why does this girl isn't scared that i could accidently kill her' i thought as she stared at my eyes. Her plum eyes are so gorgeous, a tint of sunlight makes it even more stunning "Heyy shiggy you ok?" She waived her hands in front of my face "Yeah I'm sorry" i looked away due to he embarrassment "Yeahh no biggie" She smiled and her sadness fade away "Heyy shiggy let's play!!" She yelled which i came to play with her

"Yeah coming"

Yeahh soo i got bored, and wrote this story. So your quirk is like elsa's yeah no originality, you're stain's little sister the villain and shigaraki is your childhood friend.


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